First of all: I like the book a lot. Thanks for it.
At the moment I'm going through the event manager chapter. I have one question and one remark.
The question:
You store the Binding objects in an unordered_map keyed on name. The only reason for this seems to be to enforce only one Binding per callback, since you never access the bindings map on name. Why is that important? I would drop that restriction, since there are reasons to want multiple bindings to the same callback. For example, if you want to bind <ctrl>-c to some event, you need two bindings: one for left control and one for right control. Differentiating between left and right shift, alt and control seems artificial to me. The user shouldn't be bothered with the technical fact that left and right key have different keycodes. So I would use a std::vector<Binding*> (or better still: std::vector<std::unique_ptr<Binding>> and even silently include double bindings when the user wants ctrl/alt/shift combinations.
The remark:
You do a great job of abstracting the event side of the event manager, but the callbacks are just wrapped function pointers. Why not put a Command pattern on the callback side? See for a nice explanation. Of course that adds some code and complexity, but it enables some cool features:
1- if the AI also puts Command objects on the queue, enemies (and a demo mode, if applicable) can use the exact same control mechanism as the user-controlled character.
2- you can control all kinds of actors. So the player character is an actor, but the Window class can also be an actor (to handle focus gained/lost, toggle full screen). You could make anything that receives input an actor, using the same mechanism without messy exceptions to the rule.
3- it makes undo easy. In certain situations (think a strategy game where the player has to plan actions for many units before committing the turn) this could be a really nice touch.
Abstracting the callback side as well as the event side makes the event manager even more versatile.
And a minor point: you have many functions return a bool to indicate succes. It seems cleaner and more natural to me to use exceptions for that kind of behaviour. But that could just be me, I do java for a living.