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Messages - matiasng37

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Help with Box2D (Duplicate sprites)
« on: May 04, 2017, 01:34:36 am »
The problem is that for each body (2) I'm drawing both the box and the player. So I get four of them.

I found a not very nice solution. I will improve it and then share it. In case someone else needs it.

General / Help with Box2D (Duplicate sprites)
« on: May 03, 2017, 11:27:28 pm »
Hello! I'm new to the forums, so excuse me if I'm breaking any rules  :-X

I'd like to request help with a little issue I have with the implementation of Box2D in my game.
The problem is that whenever I draw my sprites, I get a box and a player on top of each other for each object on screen. I can see where my code fails, but I have no idea what I should do to make it work properly.
This is my current code:

for (b2Body* BodyIterator = World.GetBodyList(); BodyIterator != 0; BodyIterator = BodyIterator->GetNext()){
            if (BodyIterator->GetType() == b2_dynamicBody)
                            box.DrawBox2DBody(window, BodyIterator); // Class details below
                            player.DrawBox2DBody(window, BodyIterator);

void Object::DrawBox2DBody(sf::RenderWindow &window, b2Body *BodyIterator)
    _sprite.setOrigin(sf::Vector2f(_sprite.getTextureRect().width / 2, _sprite.getTextureRect().height / 2));
    _sprite.setPosition(SCALE * BodyIterator->GetPosition().x, SCALE * BodyIterator->GetPosition().y);
    _sprite.setRotation(BodyIterator->GetAngle() * 180/b2_pi);


I hope this is enough information. Thanks in advance!

i think one solution could be to access each object's body separately so that I can draw them one by one. I tried to do that without sucess. That should work. Right?

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