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Messages - crazy_zimuki

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / Re: My little SFML blog
« on: May 11, 2017, 11:28:14 pm »
Hi guys!
I've made some progress as a game developer wannabe since this thread was opened and I want to share it with you.

I made a two-player checkers game. Try it out and tell me what you think:
*Windows Only*

You move the checkers by dragging them to the destination square with your mouse. White always moves first.
Consecutive captures are automatically initiated when possible (I will make them optional in a later version).
Currently, you can't choose between multiple consecutive capture paths. That's also something I will implement in a later version.
Think of it as as a beta/alpha build.

I also consider linking the game to a checkers engine in the future so you can play against the computer.

SFML projects / Re: My first SFML game: X/O
« on: May 08, 2017, 07:51:08 pm »
You should consider opening up your code, maybe something like Github? It would let others compile it and run it on different platform(if you don't use any platform specific code).

Also, you shouldn't provide all those DLL. Normally, you would provide a release version, and you only need release dll. As for all the GCC dll, you probably don't need to provide all of them. You could also package the exe.

Thank you for the advice. I suppose I will get better at this sort of stuff eventually.
I will try to learn how to determine which dlls I need and how to package an exe tomorrow.
Until then, here's my code:

What Roseme said.
But that aside, is this your first project?
That is really well made... I was looking time before I even dared graphics, much less sound...
Good work mate :)

Yes it is! Of course I did make the usual "calculate an average" and "multiply two numbers" kind of programs first, but this is my first major undertaking.
Thank you very much!!!

SFML projects / My little SFML blog
« on: May 08, 2017, 06:12:25 pm »
Probably nothing special to you, but it is special to me.
I recently started learning C/C++ (programming in general actually) and SFML and this is my first finished project.
Below is a link to it so you can play:


It's a simple Tic Tac Toe game.
Let's get this out of the way: The A.I chooses random moves so don't expect any sense from it.
Since I am a total beginner, the code is probably horrible so I'm not posting it yet (unless you promise not to murder me haha).

NOTE: Windows only.

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