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Messages - VanEldo

Pages: [1]
Hi Jallen,

there is a possibility! You can link the msvcr statically to your binary. It may increase the size of it (300 -400kb), but in most cases it's worth it! Inexperienced users know nothing about the Redistributable Package and many of them won't even read your infos, so they will always think it has something to do with your game.

greetz, Eldo.

SFML projects / Gnooze [FINISHED]
« on: July 13, 2010, 03:19:55 pm »
Hm, I think the best way is to show a pop-up after pressing "Play" the first time and saving this in a file so you won't be bothered by it again  :D .

Any more criticism, advices, wishes? Tell me!  8)

SFML projects / Gnooze [FINISHED]
« on: July 13, 2010, 01:19:25 pm »
Thanks again, Hugo!

I'm thinking of the best approach of developing a in-game instruction system. The problem is: Advanced player may be bothered by the recurring advices.
Furthermore I sent you a PM according to your bullets issue.

SFML projects / Top-Down Shooter
« on: July 13, 2010, 01:11:23 pm »

the game screenshots look quite funny and bloody  :o .

One advice: Make sure that you exactly know what you want to develope BEFORE you start developing! The game will look more professional and sophisticated.

Good look and have fun!

SFML projects / Gnooze [FINISHED]
« on: July 12, 2010, 05:31:43 pm »
Thanks Hugo!

A fast and straightforward access to the game was very important for me as it should be as easy as possible for everyone to play it. I'm pleased you mentioned it  :D .

The game may be open source in the future!

By the way, did you try the alternative weapons? Use [Alt] to switch it  :wink: !

SFML projects / Gnooze [FINISHED]
« on: July 05, 2010, 08:48:31 pm »
Thanks a lot!  :D

By the way,
which difficulty did you use and what score did you reach?  :?:

SFML projects / Gnooze [FINISHED]
« on: June 19, 2010, 06:29:44 pm »

Hey guys! Our new game is finished: I hope you like it :)!

Brief description:
Gnooze is a 2D action and reflex game with smooth, elegant, Asteroids-like gameplay and unique scifi/ comic graphics.

Game manual:
In order to concentrate on the gist the game manual is included in the package you can download below.

The main server D7 of the well-known "Rabbitshare" filesharing company has been hacked a couple of minutes ago in order to contaminate its data with the dangerous, brandnew "W32Goshawk" worm. The staff was able to fix the security hole so as to avoid further intrusion, but conventional security software is just able to spot the evil software not to delete it. There is not much time left! Goshawk has to be eliminated in order to prevent the the whole world from being contaminated with the worm by the filsharing service. You as a popular hacker are the last hope: Use your self-made, graphical Tool "Goshawk Noose" (alias "Gnooze") to delete the worm from the D7 server, bit for bit.

+ New, unconventional style of graphics
+ Smooth gameplay
+ 3 completely different, unique weapons
+ 10 levels with varied backgrounds
+ 5 different kinds of enemies
+ 3 levels of difficulty...
+ … which you can change anytime, even while playing
+ tricks for the pros


A presentation and battle of the developers: Who of them will win?
Watch it here (German language):

Programming language: C++
IDE: Visual C++ 2008
Libs: SFML 1.6
Graphics: Photoshop CS4/ Gimp, Google SketchUp

We decided to use a "Creative Commons" license, which offers more freedom compared to the German copyright (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/de/deed.en). You are free to spread the game!

Simon Weber "VanEldo" (me): idea, project management, programming
Lukas Pracht "Syrenion": graphics
Thomass Eccard "2Invention": background music

(highspeed, no waiting time!)

We want your feedback and appreciate any constructive criticism ;D!
If you got any technical issues, please do not post it on this topic and send me a PM instead!

Have fun playin' !
Greetz, Eldo.  :D

General / Your experiences with SPARK in combi with SFML
« on: May 28, 2010, 05:34:56 pm »
Hey folks,

did any of you checked out the SFML module of the SPARK particle engine (http://spark.developpez.com/index.php?page=home&lang=en)? Is it stable? Or were you confronted with some/many bugs? Please let me know your experiences as I'm planning to use it in my current project in order to add some fancy effects.

greetz, Eldo.

Window / Disable the mouse in Fullscreen Mode
« on: May 24, 2010, 10:32:16 am »
Thanks a lot Laurent :D. You are right, there is no need to disable it.
Keep on the great work!

greetz, Eldo.

Window / Disable the mouse in Fullscreen Mode
« on: May 23, 2010, 08:39:58 pm »

Is it possible to disable the mouse completely in Fullscreen Mode? It would be best if you wouldn't be able to use it as I'm programming a game, which is only controled by the keyboard.

greetz, Eldo . :)

General / What is wrong?
« on: May 01, 2010, 06:33:02 pm »
Hi Broken,

I know this little error message: According to your brief description, I assume that you have installed Visual Studio only on your Desktop PC. If so, you need the Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package for your laptop, which is by the way installed automatically by your Visual Studio installation. As you may not want to install the IDE on your laptop, too, you can just download the Redistributable Package and use that instead.

Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 Redistributable Package Download Link:
Bye, Eldo.

General / sf::String leads to weird program exit, and unable to debug.
« on: December 25, 2009, 02:44:25 pm »

I experienced the same issue today as I wanted to add a FPS display (like Fraps does it) to my programm. It also happens when I want to exit it.

Here some information:
OS: Windows XP (Media Center Edition 2005)
IDE: Microsoft Visual C++ Express 2008
Version of SFML: 1.5 (latest).

Thanks for helping in advance!

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