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Messages - chaosblasta

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Re: Possible Rect<T>.contains() bug?
« on: June 09, 2017, 03:04:06 pm »
I see now. Thank you for the quick responses!

Graphics / Possible Rect<T>.contains() bug?
« on: June 09, 2017, 01:53:13 pm »
According to documentation, the contains() function is non-inclusive and therefore will return false if the point is located on the edge of the rectangle. This isn't really the case on my tests though..

So with

sf::IntRect rect = {0,0,3,3};
sf::Vector2i point = {0,0};

rect.contains(point) returns true. In fact, every point from (0,0) (2,2) returns true, even though in theory only (1,1) should be true. I may not be understanding the documentation though, and I apologize if this is a mistake on my part.

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