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Messages - musicman3569

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Graphics / Ubuntu Packages
« on: January 02, 2010, 12:13:16 am »
I just got the example working after some struggling.  I am on Ubuntu 9.10 64-bit.

I installed (in synaptic):

I think that was all I needed to add.  For those who don't know, if you need to find what files a package adds, just look for the package in Synaptic, right-click, go to Properties, and click on the Installed Files tab.  You can see exactly where it puts everything (including the glu.h and glu32.a in this case) -- nice, eh?

Then, for the compiler in your IDE (or if you do it manually) you need to add /usr/include/GL.  You would add "-l/usr/lib/GL" to your g++ compile options if you're doing it from the command line.

For the linker, you need to link with /usr/lib/libGLU.a and /usr/lib/libGLU.so.  To do this add "-L/usr/lib -lGLU" to your linking options, or if your IDE supports it, just select the above mentioned files wherever it asks you for what libraries to use.

I hope this helps!

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