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Messages - Cryru

Pages: [1]
That worked, amazing.

Rebuilding everything didn't fix it. Im using Mint 18 and Ubuntu 16 if that matters.

I have SFML 2.4.2 installed.

I compiled CSFML and SFML.NET master branches.

I added a bit more code to make it easier to see the results of running the test.

(Had to upload to my dropbox - too large for the forums)
CSFML libs
test program

Need mono installed for mcs if you want to make the test program yourself.

Also, should mention: I had to make symlinks for the csfml libs in the format: "libcsfml-<module>-2.so" myself, as that's what the DllImports are looking for (Windows style, instead of the Linux style of libcsfml-<module>.so.<version>).

Depending what distro you're on, the libraries I uploaded may not work, fyi.

Using your code + your libraries and your code + my libraries yields the same result. I guess something is wrong with my Linux/Machine?

Are you calling sfRenderWindow_create yourself?

Can you provide an example of this behavior?

I just pulled and built CSFML and SFML.NET, and the following program builds and runs without any errors (Arch Linux, x64):

using SFML.Graphics;
using SFML.Window;

static class Program
    public static void Main(string[] args)
        var rw = new RenderWindow(new VideoMode(800, 600, 24), "test", Styles.Default);


Which version of CSFML and SFML did you compile on Linux? Also can you attach the libraries you compiled and a compiled version of your code?

It was an example yeah, actual is non-empty and still produces the same result.

DotNet / Create RenderWindow on Linux failing with a segmentation fault.
« on: August 04, 2017, 09:34:25 am »
Hello, I'm trying to port my stuff from Windows to Linux but I've run into a problem. Whenever I create a render window (haven't tried with a normal window but I assume it will be the same) mono crashes with a segmentation fault.

I'm using CSFML and SFML 2.4 compiled on linux using this guide: https://blaxpirit.com/blog/12/build-sfml-and-csfml-on-linux.html

The line of code which crashes is:

sfRenderWindow_create (new VideoMode (), "test", Styles.Default, ref TestSettings);

Any ideas?

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