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Messages - MistaED

Pages: [1]
Python / Troubles compiling & running PySFML
« on: February 06, 2010, 06:29:03 am »
Hello, I'm trying to get the python bindings to work but it seems that they can't locate the actual C++ libs when imported under python. I tried copying the libs into Python26\Lib\site-packages\PySFML\ and Python26\libs\ but it won't find them. I've tried using static libs as well as dynamic ones, and I have also tried to just use the MSVC compiled pysfml 1.5 and sfml 1.5 so I'm not sure what to do now.

Build environment:
Windows 7 64-bit

MinGW32 4.4.0 32-bit (comes with qtcreator 2010.01 release)

Python 2.6.4 (from python.org) 32-bit

Compiled SFML 1.6 using Code:Blocks + the same MinGW32, no errors for both static and dynamic compiles (all 32-bit)

Compiled python bindings:
python setup.py build -cmingw32
python setup.py install

I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong here, maybe using python 2.6.4 from python.org isn't compatible with mingw-generated libs? Should I use python 2.5.x? Maybe the tutorial needs to explain what to do after installing pysfml to where to put the external libs.

Thanks for the assistance!

General / Qt + SFML
« on: January 11, 2010, 02:10:03 am »
Really easy fix, for some reason qtcreator/mingw makes redundant .a libs in addition to the .dll's on windows for the dynamic libs.

Compile it as normal and when it comes up with the linker issue, go into where the .dll's were built and delete the redundant .a files, then hit build again. The linker will now use the dll's instead of the empty .a files.

This happened to me when trying to compile Horde3D on windows via Qt/MinGW.

Also first post here, howdy!

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