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Messages - kyle_michiels

Pages: [1]
Thanks for the quick reply!

I noticed there was an initialization error which fixed itself in debug mode but I had to initialize it for release mode.

And with the non "-d" files it works perfectly!

Many thanks!

Hey Guys,

I finally finished my project and it runs without error in Debug Mode,
However, when I switch to Release Mode it complains that it can't find my resources.
I included the assets folder with the EXE but it still can't find the files.

The error:

The file structure:

The structure is similar to the debug folder and just works fine in Debug mode.
I tried removing the "-d" from the lib files but this didn't make any difference.

I hope someone can help me out.



Graphics / Drawing a sprite from within a list, within a list
« on: November 07, 2017, 07:11:43 pm »
Hey guys!
Im trying to draw a sprite within a list of components, within a list of gameobjects.
These are custom classes I have written.

How I'm trying to draw the sprite:
for (std::list<GameObject*>::iterator it = gameObjects.begin(); it != gameObjects.end(); it++)
      std::list<Component*>  compList = it._Ptr->_Myval->GetAllComponents();
      for (std::list<Component*>::iterator ita = compList.begin(); ita != compList.end(); ita++)
         Graphic *g = static_cast<Graphic*>(ita._Ptr->_Myval);
         if (g)
            sf::Sprite sprite = g->GetDrawable();

            if (g->GetDrawable().getTexture() == nullptr)
               std::cout << "No texture has been assigned" << std::endl;

            std::cout << "Casting Failed" << std::endl;


GameObject Logics (simplefied):

std::list<Component*> components;
void ECE::GameObject::AddComponent(Component & c)
std::list<Component*> ECE::GameObject::GetAllComponents()
   return components;

And the Graphic class logics:

sf::Sprite _sprite;
sf::Sprite ECE::Graphic::GetDrawable()
   return _sprite;

And finally adding the Graphic to the gameobject:

ECE::Graphic _G_myGraphic;
   _G_myGraphic.SetPostion(sf::Vector2f(100, 100));

And lastly adding the gameObject to the gameObject list:

void TestGame::Start()
   std::cout << "Added gameObject" << std::endl;

void ECE::Game::AddGameObject(GameObject & go)

I can print any data from the sprite, but just drawing it seems to be a problem.
Any help would be appreciated!



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