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Messages - johnscape

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Audio / Re: Program crash when opening music
« on: December 11, 2017, 07:07:44 pm »
Okay, I put the music out to the main cpp, now it works. It means, that I should use the release files, not the debug ones?

Edit: So, I tried to use the release files. Now, it won't crash, but from loading the music to playing the music, it's lagging.

Edit: I'm confused. It started working with the debug files. I don't know why, maybe I just had to rebuild it. Still, it's lagging a bit until I start playing the music.

Edit: The lagg was my fault. So, the music started playing after I rebuild once with the release files, then againg with the debug files. Thank you for the answers!

Audio / Program crash when opening music
« on: December 11, 2017, 02:24:05 pm »
So, I have been working on a little project of mine, and I have encountered a bug.
I have a special class for cinematics, where I use two music: a base and a special. I declare them in the header:

#include "Screens/CinematicScreen.h"
#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML/Audio.hpp>

class CharaIntroScene : public CinematicScreen
        IntroScene(GameManager* gameManager);
        virtual ~IntroScene();
       sf::Music Base;
       sf::Music Special;


And my source file:
#include "Screens/Cinematics/IntroScene.h"

IntroScene::IntroScene(GameManager* gameManager) : CinematicScreen(gameManager)


and I have a void where I start the music.
This way the game freeze and crash on load.
If I comment out the openFromFile part it loads.

I'm using windows 10 with codeblocks, and the corresponding SFML version.
Everything else is included, the dll files are in place.
And if I use the debugger, everything works, even the music plays. But it only works with the debugger.

So, what can be the problem?

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