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Messages - Binsou

Pages: [1]
General discussions / Re: How do I get sfeMovie to build as x86?
« on: January 09, 2018, 10:11:05 pm »
It wasn't, so I added it, and now everthing's working perfectly! 

Thanks, again.

General discussions / Re: How do I get sfeMovie to build as x86?
« on: January 09, 2018, 09:15:48 pm »
Doesn't http://sfemovie.yalir.org/latest/faq.php say that AAC is supported?  I guess I'm misunderstanding something.

General discussions / Re: How do I get sfeMovie to build as x86?
« on: January 09, 2018, 08:49:28 pm »
The video's playing, but the sound isn't.  Any insight into what's causing the following error?

"error while loading 'audio/aac' stream @ 0350EEA0: Stream() - no decoder for aac codec"

General discussions / Re: How do I get sfeMovie to build as x86?
« on: January 09, 2018, 08:13:03 pm »
I must have messed up AT LEAST one step along the way because it's working now.  I was getting an error saying that it couldn't find a specified dll, so I moved that into my project, received an error for a different dll and repeated the process til now it runs and displays the video!!!

Thank you a ton.  I think asking the right questions was what I needed after getting lost in the process for working on it for a long time yesterday.

General discussions / Re: How do I get sfeMovie to build as x86?
« on: January 09, 2018, 06:45:38 pm »
There's a picture of my linker settings and the bin that the binaries were built into.

General discussions / Re: How do I get sfeMovie to build as x86?
« on: January 09, 2018, 06:38:50 pm »
Here's what I see when I try to run the program, right now, after having made changes since I made the previous post.  Maybe I'm severely misinterpreting the issue.

Maybe I just have the build settings pointed at the wrong locations for .lib and .dll files?

General discussions / How do I get sfeMovie to build as x86?
« on: January 09, 2018, 05:10:30 pm »
I have a Win32 Console Application project that I started in Visual Studio 2015 that I'm trying to set up sfeMovie for.  I was able to get through the configure and generate stage with the following message in cMake:

Selecting Windows SDK version 10.0.14393.0 to target Windows 10.0.16299.
Needs to (re)build FFmpeg: TRUE
Parallel jobs: 8
Found SFML 2.4.2 in C:/Program Files (x86)/SFML-2.4.2/include
SFML libraries: debug;C:/Program Files (x86)/SFML-2.4.2/lib/sfml-graphics-d.lib;optimized;C:/Program Files (x86)/SFML-2.4.2/lib/sfml-graphics.lib;debug;C:/Program Files (x86)/SFML-2.4.2/lib/sfml-window-d.lib;optimized;C:/Program Files (x86)/SFML-2.4.2/lib/sfml-window.lib;debug;C:/Program Files (x86)/SFML-2.4.2/lib/sfml-system-d.lib;optimized;C:/Program Files (x86)/SFML-2.4.2/lib/sfml-system.lib;debug;C:/Program Files (x86)/SFML-2.4.2/lib/sfml-audio-d.lib;optimized;C:/Program Files (x86)/SFML-2.4.2/lib/sfml-audio.lib
Additional dependencies:
Headers directories: C:/Program Files (x86)/SFML-2.4.2/include;include;src;C:/sfeMovie-master/FFmpeg/include
Link sfeMovie against:  debug;C:/Program Files (x86)/SFML-2.4.2/lib/sfml-graphics-d.lib;optimized;C:/Program Files (x86)/SFML-2.4.2/lib/sfml-graphics.lib;debug;C:/Program Files (x86)/SFML-2.4.2/lib/sfml-window-d.lib;optimized;C:/Program Files (x86)/SFML-2.4.2/lib/sfml-window.lib;debug;C:/Program Files (x86)/SFML-2.4.2/lib/sfml-system-d.lib;optimized;C:/Program Files (x86)/SFML-2.4.2/lib/sfml-system.lib;debug;C:/Program Files (x86)/SFML-2.4.2/lib/sfml-audio-d.lib;optimized;C:/Program Files (x86)/SFML-2.4.2/lib/sfml-audio.lib C:/sfeMovie-master/binaries/FFmpeg-binaries/lib/avformat.lib;C:/sfeMovie-master/binaries/FFmpeg-binaries/lib/avdevice.lib;C:/sfeMovie-master/binaries/FFmpeg-binaries/lib/avcodec.lib;C:/sfeMovie-master/binaries/FFmpeg-binaries/lib/avutil.lib;C:/sfeMovie-master/binaries/FFmpeg-binaries/lib/swscale.lib;C:/sfeMovie-master/binaries/FFmpeg-binaries/lib/swresample.lib 
Configuring done
Generating done

I set the generator to be Visual Studio 14 2015 and it has generated a Win32 build configuration in Visual Studio.  This doesn't appear to be compatible with my Win32 App, and so I think that I need to somehow get sfeMovie to generate with an x86 build configuration.

Sorry if any of this is confusing.  I'm learning as I go.  I can also provide any additional information requested.  I attached an image of my cmake as well (not sure I attached it correctly since I don't see it in the post preview).

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