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Messages - Gandi

Pages: [1]
DotNet / Can't get sfml-graphics to work
« on: June 17, 2011, 09:49:56 pm »
Set up my project with SFML.NET and tried to create a RenderWindow, but when calling new RenderWindow(), it just hangs up without error.

I tried:
- Setting target architecture of my app to x86
- Setting target archtecture of sfml.net to x86 + recompile
- Recompile csfml
- Setting various combinations of .NET-Framework versions in the project settings

When I debug sfml-graphics.dll, I can see that it crashes when it tries to pinvoke csfml (which usually means that I'm mixing x86 with x64, but I'm not doing that...)

The C++ - version works just fine btw.

I am using Win7 x64 with Visual Studio 2010 Prof.

E: I forgot, SFML.Audio is working properly! Is it possible that somehow the dependencies of SFML.Graphics ( OpenGL? ) are missing/wrong format? I dunno...

Any ideas?

Network / FTP.Download crashes if file is 0 Bytes big
« on: February 24, 2010, 06:36:18 pm »
Great, that's what I call good support! :thumbsup:

Network / FTP.Download crashes if file is 0 Bytes big
« on: February 24, 2010, 04:56:51 pm »
The title basically says everything^^ It's probably a bug...
Or can I do anything against this?

Graphics / [C++] Drawing SFML Text in Leadwerks Engine Window
« on: February 02, 2010, 03:38:44 pm »

i'm using the Leadwerks Engine 2.3 for my game. Although it is a good engine, the font support is pretty weak, so i'd like to use sf::String in combination with the normal drawing commands of the engine to draw on the SAME render target.

So what i basically want to do with SMFL is:
-do no OGL initialization at all
-do not create any Window or RenderTarget, since they already exist
-render the string on the current render target, with the current render states
-do not flip buffers, since LE does this

The problems seems to be that LE also uses OpenGL and somehow the render states or OGL initialization or whatever seem to interfere as soon as I create a sf::RenderWindow from the existing HWND.

I also tried to derive a class from sf::RenderTarget which basically does nothing ( since the render target already exists and is correctly set up ) and draw the String with that target, but i'm also just getting memory acess violations.

Unfortunately, LE is closed source, so I cannot tell exactly what it does.

Any help would be appreciated.

Greetings from Bavaria

Pages: [1]