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Messages - 4ian

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SFML projects / Re: Game Develop : Free game development tool
« on: July 07, 2014, 02:04:12 pm »
Good news for developers, Game Develop is now released as an open source software!

GD is one of the most powerful and comprehensive software to create games without programming, and is now open to contributions from any developer. Sources are available on my GitHub account: https://github.com/4ian/gd
You can read the announcement on the official forum: http://compilgames.net/forum/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=5323 and on twitter: https://twitter.com/Game_Develop/status/483741727262801921

Do not hesitate to spread the word, lots of new users could be interested by the fact that GD is now fully open source, and lots of developers could be interested in contributing to this unique piece of software! :D

Let me know if you have any question concerning GD!  :D Documentation for developers is available online here: http://4ian.github.io/GD-Documentation/

SFML projects / Re: Game Develop : Free game development tool
« on: March 30, 2014, 03:52:39 pm »
Thanks Cpl.Bator, I've added GD to the list  :D
Nexus, there is (a quite old and) short video here: or the beginner tutorial:

I should create a new video in the next few weeks to promote GD  :)

MorleyDev, part of GD are already open source, you can browse the repositories here : https://github.com/4ian/GD-Extensions and https://github.com/4ian/GDJS

Compared to C2, GD is available on Ubuntu (GD is made using cross platform technologies), support native games development, events are translated to C++ or JS (should be more efficient and games can't be reversed engineered). Some features are also designed to be more powerful (variables support the use of arbitrary structure, for example any variable can be parsed to/from JSON).
Concerning Game Maker, both C2 and GD are based on events which I think is a better way of creating games without asking the user to learn a new (and proprietary) language like the GML. Game Maker drag'n'drop approach is more limited and not as powerful.  :)

SFML projects / Re: Game Develop : Free game development tool
« on: March 29, 2014, 06:10:21 pm »
I'm launching a crowdfunding campaign for Game Develop on Indiegogo!

The goals of this campaign are to:

* Bring GD to MacOS and improve Ubuntu support.
* Add an option to export HTML5 games created with GD to Android and iOS
* Accelerate the development of Game Develop!

If you never tried the software, Game Develop is a free and complete game creation software. It doesn't require any programming knowledge thanks to its innovative event system and its intuitive interface. GD can be used to create native games for Windows or Ubuntu or HTML5 games for the web! Many features are included like a physics engine, particles, engine for platformer games, pathfinding...
Game Develop relies on SFML for all the multimedia related task and the rendering of the native games. :D

You can visit the Indiegogo page here: http://igg.me/at/gdevelop/x/6586688
Download an test it on its official website: http://www.compilgames.net

General discussions / Re: SFML 2 and its new website released
« on: April 30, 2013, 08:08:36 pm »
Awesome as usual  :D
The documentation is really pretty indeed  ;)


It seems that calling GetPlayingOffset on a uninitialized sf::Music lead to division by zero:

#include <SFML/Graphics.hpp>
#include <SFML/Audio.hpp>

int main()
    sf::Music music;
    music.GetPlayingOffset(); //I'm using a revision of SFML2 before the changes in naming conventions.

    return EXIT_SUCCESS;


Here is the backtrace:
#0 627A06C1     __udivmoddi4(n=0, d=0) (../../../../src/gcc-4.5.2/libgcc/../gcc/libgcc2.c:895)
#1 ??   __udivdi3 (n=0, d=0) (../../../../src/gcc-4.5.2/libgcc/../gcc/libgcc2.c:1140)
#2 627898D3     sf::SoundStream::GetPlayingOffset(this=0x28feb8) (D:\Florian\Programmation\GameDevelop2\ExtLibs\SFML\src\SFML\Audio\SoundStream.cpp:174)
#3 004013B1     main() (D:\Florian\Programmation\SFML_test\main.cpp:7)

Looking at SoundStream::GetPlayingOffset, the line where the crash comes from is this one ( Maybe add a check to be sure that mySampleRate and myChannelsCount are not equal to 0) :
return seconds(secs + static_cast<float>(m_samplesProcessed) / m_sampleRate / m_channelCount);

( I'm not using the latest revision of SFML2, but this line is the same in the current revision as in the revision i'm using, so I believe the bug is still here. )

SFML projects / Re: Game Develop : Free game development tool
« on: April 24, 2012, 12:18:21 pm »
I've uploaded a fixed version of Game Develop: It should now contains all the files needed for games internal compilation instead of relying on the headers provided by the system.

You can download it here: http://www.compilgames.net/dl/gd2110682linuxpatched2.tar.lzma
Let me know if you are able to use Game Develop without errors with this version or if there are still some errors when trying to preview a scene.

SFML projects / Game Develop : Free game development tool
« on: March 07, 2012, 11:24:47 pm »
I'm going to bundle more "include files" with GD in the next version so as ensure that all includes files used by GD are compatible.
Another user reported me that GD was working on his Arch Linux, but maybe the version he used is not the same or not up to date ( http://www.forum.compilgames.net/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=3425&p=33498#p33498 )

SFML projects / Game Develop : Free game development tool
« on: March 04, 2012, 10:23:27 pm »
Some videos can be viewed here, even if they are pretty basic : http://www.youtube.com/user/FlorianRival/videos

I've added the last one few days ago :

SFML projects / Game Develop : Free game development tool
« on: March 04, 2012, 04:44:32 pm »
It starts, however it gives me this message:

Oops, I've forgotten to remove this file (Widgets.xgdle) from the Extensions directory.

Opening an example works, but when I try to run it, I get this:

Which version of Ubuntu are you using ?
Game Develop is embedding some of the standard headers so as to be sure that the code compiled from events is binary compatible with the extensions and the core engine of GD.
But some of these headers are referring to standard headers not include with GD and the one of your system seems to be incompatible.
( I've checked on my Ubuntu 11.10 system, the line 228 of pthread.h don't have the missing symbol __THROWNL but a slighty different symbol ).

I recommend to start training people to use it more intensively, once you get it on the road, you will get tons of support for sure!

I try to advertise about GD but it seems that a lot of people still prefer to stick with their traditional game making software, even if some of these software are often (far) more expensive and even not necessarily more powerful than GD. :D

SFML projects / Game Develop : Free game development tool
« on: March 03, 2012, 11:53:01 pm »
The first versions of GD were released in 2008. Features have been integrated over the different version : You can take a look at the version history in the help file for a quite comprehensive list of changes. :)
Notably the compilation of events to machine code was implemented in Game Develop 2. Events are internally translated to C++ and compiled using LLVM/Clang ( http://clang.llvm.org/ ). The latest version introduce C++ code events, so as to try to fill the gap between "game creation software" and "hardcore programmers", even if it remains quite experimental for now.
Compilation of events was a major decision to make as it took some time to implement it, but again, Game Develop is now may be the only game development software really compiling games to machine code. ( Moreover, as the events are for now compiled to C++, it could be extended later to target other platforms such as more web oriented technologies like HTML5/Javascript, if one day they prove to be able to handle "hardcore gamers" game. )

An article about game creation for newbies using Game Develop was also published in a French magazine some times ago.  :D

SFML projects / Game Develop : Free game development tool
« on: March 03, 2012, 10:08:57 pm »
Yes, Game Develop uses SFML for graphics, sounds and everything related to multimedia. ( And games compiled with GD are so using mainly SFML. )  :)
The IDE user interface is based on wxWidgets.

Have you implemented everything (physics, particles, lights, pathfinding) on your own, or what other libraries do you use?

Particles are implemented using SPARK particle engine ( http://spark.developpez.com/index.php?page=home&lang=en ) and its OpenGL Renderer.
Physics is based on the well known Box2D library, and lights are based on the light manager which have been originally created by Gregouar for Holyspirit ( http://www.sfml-dev.org/forum-fr/viewtopic.php?t=400 ).

SFML projects / Game Develop : Free game development tool
« on: March 03, 2012, 06:54:53 pm »

Game Develop is a free game development tool allowing to create any kind of 2D games. No programming knowledge is required, as all the game logic is created using events, allowing to launch actions if some conditions are filled.  These events are compiled by Game Develop to machine code, as ordinary programming languages, making GD quite unique in the world of game development software.
Game Develop is based upon SFML, which is used as the main library for graphics and all multimedia related tasks.

Game Develop provides lots of features such as :
-Animated sprites
-Dynamic lights
-Particles system
-3D box objects
-Text objects
-Support for joysticks
-Functions allowing to modify sprites during the game. ( Allowing map destruction for example )
-Support for multiple view inside a window
-Object allowing to draw directly shapes on screen.
-Ability to play sounds and music, and manipulate them.
-Experimental C++ event since the latest version, allowing to add C++ code to events, even if these latter are powerful enough to create an entire game.

Theses features can be further enhanced with the extension system integrated to Game Develop. ( Thus, some features mentioned above are proposed as extensions directly supplied with the software. ).
Official extensions are open source ( You can download the Game Develop SDK to get the sources ) and some extensions created by external developers are also available like the Widgets extension based on SFGUI.

Moreover, the software is bundled with a help file, a step by step tutorial, some resources and a lot of examples.
You can see games created using Game Develop on this page : http://compilgames.net/jeuxEN.html

Game Develop can be freely downloaded on the official web site :
The software is available on Windows and on Ubuntu 11.10 ( Some users reported it to be working on other Linux based distro too )
If you're using GD for the first time, take a look at the examples in the "Examples" directory.

Any feedback concerning the software is welcomed  :D

General / how to Program object oriented???!!!
« on: November 15, 2010, 09:44:45 pm »
Code: [Select]
sf::Image image;
sf::Sprite sprite;


sprite.SetImage( image );

myRenderWindow.Draw( sprite );

is also a perfect OOP program, ( For example, we're using objects member functions ) and is also safer ( No dangerous raw pointer, exception safety ), shorter, in a word better.

(By the way, parenthesis are indeed useless :wink: )

General / how to Program object oriented???!!!
« on: November 01, 2010, 06:25:09 pm »
This has nothing to do with SFML : You can develop your project the way you want ( Object oriented or not ), SFML does not prevent or force you to use a programming paradigm in your own code.
SFML is just a library, not a language or a framework.

General / how to Program object oriented???!!!
« on: November 01, 2010, 05:21:24 pm »
Most of samples included with SFML are short enough to have all the code written in the main function.
Nevertheless, this does not mean that these samples are not object oriented : They use SFML, which is highly object oriented. "Object oriented" does not necessarily mean that program declare objects.

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