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Messages - Pilly

Pages: [1]
General / Stun character
« on: April 01, 2018, 01:59:48 am »
What would be the best way for me to have my character stunned for 3 seconds. I used a boolean Stunned. So if the character is stunned, keyboard inputs won't work.

if(Stunned == false)

However, I can't seem to find a way to break out of the stunned once I make Stunned = true, nothing seems to work. I read up on the clock and time documentation but I still don't understand it.

I tried something like this.

Clock clock;
Time time;

time = clock.getElaspedTime();
if (time.asSeconds() >= 3)
    Stunned = false;

I don't know if this is a C++ question or an SFML question but what exactly is happening here in this constructor. I've never seen a constructor written like this before and I can't find any other examples online.

Rather than using opening braces, it starts with a semi-colon, and why comma's after texture, player, font, etc? If Texture is a member variable why is there a ()?

   : Window(sf::VideoMode(Resolution.x, Resolution.y), "SFML Application", sf::Style::Close)
   , Texture()
   , Player()
   , Font()
   , isMovingUp(false)
   , isMovingDown(false)
   , isMovingRight(false)
   , isMovingLeft(false) {
   if (!Texture.loadFromFile("Graphics/character.png")) {
      // loading error
   Player.setPosition(100.f, 100.f);

Why can't I get the constructor to work like this?

Game::Game() {
   Window(VideoMode(Resolution.x, Resolution.y), "SFML Application", sf::Style::Close);
   isMovingUp = false;
   isMovingDown = false;
   isMovingRight = false;
   isMovingLeft = false;

   if (!Texture.loadFromFile("Graphics/character.png")) {
         // loading error
      Player.setPosition(100.f, 100.f);

Pages: [1]