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Messages - Brikinhos

Pages: [1]
DotNet / Re: C#, How to code an entity Drawable and Transformable?
« on: June 19, 2020, 04:13:40 pm »
Oh damn! I feel so bad with myself xD, thanks so much!

DotNet / C#, How to code an entity Drawable and Transformable?
« on: June 18, 2020, 03:26:02 pm »
Hi all, I'm porting my project from C++ to C# and I encountered a problem, I have a class Entity that inherits from Drawable and Transformable, but C# doesn't allow multiple inheritance. How can I do that? Thanks in advance.

General / Re: Count events pending
« on: July 25, 2019, 07:03:49 pm »
The idea is doesn't call translate function every frame, only when specific events occurs. I will use flags for detecting it then. Anyway, thanks.

General / Re: Count events pending
« on: July 25, 2019, 06:12:31 pm »
why do you need to call a function when you process the last event?
I'm making an Input Handler System that contains a circular buffer, capturing all inputs (pressed and released), only of buttons I previously defined for player asociated to the Input Handler.

The circular buffer stores tuples like this std::tuple <Game::Buttons, int , bool>; First one is an action I can do asociated to a key, second one is realtive delay between this button and the last one, and the third one indicates if button was pushed or released.

[Game::UP_BUTTON,   0, 1]
[Game::UP_BUTTON,   1, 1]
[Game::UP_BUTTON,   1, 1]
[Game::UP_BUTTON,   0, 0]
[Game::UP_DOWN,     2, 1]
[Game::UP_LEFT,     1, 1]
[Game::UP_DOWN,     2, 0]
[Game::A_BUTTON,    3, 1]
[Game::B_BUTTON,    0, 1]

My Input Handler System calculates what commands were released in each frame. For example, according to the table above:
- In the first frame with events only UP was pressed. Is equal to U (UP).
* Buffer: U
- In the second frame with events only UP was released. Is equal to -.
* Buffer: U
- In the next frame with events there was two events, press and release UP, then is equal to - (nothing happends).
* Buffer: U
- In the next frame with events DOWN is pressed. Is equal to D (DOWN).
*Buffer: U D
- In the next frame with events LEFT is pressed (and DOWN is still pressed). Is equal to DL (DOWN-LEFT).
* Buffer: U D DL
- In the next frame with events DOWN is released (DOWN and LEFT were pressed). Is equal to L.
* Buffer: U D DL L
- In the next frame with events A and B are pressed at the same time. Is equal to A + B.
* Buffer: U D DL L A+B

My translation system from buffer to commands works perfectly, but I have to call this function after capturing all inputs. If I translate them while I capture each event there are problems, for example: I press and release UP at the same frame, then my system translate it to: "U" (UP), but "U" was released, then, it should happends nothing. Other example is when I calculate move inputs: I need to know what move commands where pressed or released at the same time to calculate a move command according to the next logic table:


Because of I need to have captured all events for translating buffer to readable commands thats the reason I need to call translate function after all events are polled.

Sorry if my English is bad, and sorry about writting to much xD.

General / Count events pending
« on: July 24, 2019, 09:07:26 pm »
Hi all. I need to know how many events of a specific type are pending before processing all of them because when I process the last event I need to call to a function. Is there a way to iterate all events pending? Thanks in advance.

General / Problems with CodeBlocks and SFML
« on: January 19, 2019, 10:26:11 pm »
Hi all, I tried to configure CodeBlocks with SFML. I followed the guide and I got an error when I execute a SFML program (sorry, it's in Spanish but I think you can understand it):

The program is compiled without problem.

I configured CodeBlocks with SFML before and it worked, but I don't know what can be the problem now, I used GCC 5.1.0 TDM (SJLJ) - Code::Blocks - 32-bit and TDM 5.1.0 (32-bit).

Thanks in advance.

General / Re: SFML and QT IDE
« on: March 28, 2018, 10:54:32 pm »
ok! thanks to Exploiter and AlexAUT! I will try it tomorrow.

General / SFML and QT IDE
« on: March 28, 2018, 06:08:58 pm »
Hi all, I'm new here. I'm working in a proyect since 3 months ago and I have a problem, I hate Visual Studio IDE and I would like to work in QT IDE. Before configuring QT I would like to know if it's possible to use SFML libraries with QT IDE without problem, I'm not going to use QT libraries, only IDE. Thanks a lot in advance and sorry if my English is bad.

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