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Messages - chrisamgad

Pages: [1]
You can create an sf::Clock and check the elapsed time every frame. And after it reaches the timer threshold you want, you move your player quad and reset the clock.

Example code:
sf::RectangleShape player(sf::Vector2f(100.f,100.f));
sf::Clock timer;

//in the game loop
if (timer.getElapsedTime().asMilliseconds() >= 500)
    player.move(0, 5); // replace 5 with anything you want

Cheers mate ;)

General / How do I move an object once every a constant time interval
« on: April 02, 2018, 06:34:39 pm »
for example I have
sf::RectangleShape player(sf::Vector2f(100.f,100.f))

How do I make the player move once like every 500 milliseconds upwards for example?

Pages: [1]