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Messages - Daedheldir

Pages: [1]
The size of the shape wasn't actually the problem, the size of the render texture was, it was unable to contain all the detail I wanted it to. Thank you very much eXpl0it3r for your help!

I have found out that because my tile is 1 pixel wide it only draws one pixel from the texture regardless of the texture rect, not sure how to change that...

Still doesn't work :( In the meantime I swapped the rectangle shape for vertices because memory allocation started to become problematic, but even with vertices I can't draw them into render texture, while still using the  noise texture :(

I've just wrote a simple program that sets texture to a rectangle and then draws it into render texture, the render texture is then set to another rectangle, which is then drawn into the render window, and the result is a white rectangle, so I assume that the render texture only saves the shape and its color, not its texture :/ Is it intended ?

Hi everyone!

I have a question about sf::RenderTexture. I'm trying to create perlin noise tile map, but I want each tile to have a noise texture. It works when I draw all the tiles through render window, but having 1024^2 iterations in each drawing cycle isn't desireable... So I decided to draw them into sf::RenderTexture first, and then use that texture to draw only once, but when I tried that, the noise texture on the tiles is gone. Here is my code:

(click to show/hide)


Current effect when drawing the render texture

Desired effect

Am I missing something obvious?

Pages: [1]