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Messages - Leodido

Pages: [1]
General / Problem when building for release
« on: September 08, 2010, 11:58:40 am »
Ahh silly person that I am...

Thanks a lot fixed it of course ;)

One more question, when I launch my game there is that dos console always open behind, how to I remove it?

General / Problem when building for release
« on: September 08, 2010, 11:07:10 am »
I finished my Tetris clone and so I'd like to build a release version.
To do this, I simply changed the Linker Input - Additional Dependencies - from sfml-system-d.lib to sfml-system.lib for all the used libs.

I then compiled, which went fine. The problem arises when I try to execute my program, with the version where I compile without debug info in dll it crashes directly. (I copied the correct dlls to the working dir btw sfml-system.dll etc...) its simply an memory access error. But if I compile with the sfml-system-d.lib files when executing it works correctly.

Any clue what I am doing wrong?

General / VS 2008 Express or 2010?
« on: June 04, 2010, 10:18:45 am »
I just noticed that Visual Studios 2010 express is also free download but at the moment I'm using 2008, should I upgrade to 2010?

General / Can't load font while debugging
« on: June 03, 2010, 09:13:30 am »
thanks a lot, that was it :)

General / Can't load font while debugging
« on: June 03, 2010, 08:45:33 am »

I'm trying to debug my application, when I simply execute it the game resources are loaded correctly but afterwards I have a crash wich I'd like to investigate.

The thing is as soon as I start debugging, the application can't seem to load my font and thus exits prematurely before arriving at the point where I'd like to investigate.

Anyone ever had this issue?

EDIT: Using vers 1.6 btw

General / How to convert a key press to a string?
« on: March 19, 2010, 02:04:13 pm »
I'd like to be able to type text in my programm, but I don't know how to convert Event.Key.Code key to a string?

Is there any easy way to do that?

General / Can compile and execute but can't debug
« on: March 17, 2010, 04:50:26 pm »
thanks it worked :)

General / Can compile and execute but can't debug
« on: March 17, 2010, 04:02:13 pm »
I have set everything like in the tutorial for visual C++ 2008 express edition, and i can compile fine and if I execute the program it works fine but if I try to debug as soon as the the console pops up I get an unhandled exception and apparently SFML could not load my game resources so I decide to abort the game.

Otherwise the data are loaded correctly since I could play my tetris ^^

Also on another computer I can debug perfectly fine but not on this one (Windows 7 64 bit and the other is XP btw)

I double checked and I use the  following files for linker->input->additionnal dependencies


Graphics / Image manager issues
« on: March 12, 2010, 04:23:26 pm »
j'avais pas vu que il y avais un site en Francais! Bonjour de la Suisse ;)

Anyway, the thing is nothing shows up as far as error messages are concerned on my console.

But the returned value is false.

I'm at home now and I don't have the tools installed yet, so I can't test this code yet.

Btw, can you tell me what other errors there are there please? thank you!

Graphics / Image manager issues
« on: March 12, 2010, 03:44:41 pm »
Hello all,

I just started using SFML and I'd like to make an image manager.

I used a vector to do so and everytime I try loading an image I get a return error saying it could not load image.

I'm 100% sure of my paths ;) (changed them of folder etc..)

I tried PNG, BMP and JPG with a simple image made in paint, same result.

Did I oversee something with my pointers?
Could it come from the fact I use a struct ?

Code: [Select]
struct SFML_Manager_Image
sf::Image Img;
sf::Sprite Sprite;
std::string FileName;

Code: [Select]
SFML_Manager_Errors SFML_Manager::LoadImageTest(const std::string &ImgFileName, unsigned int &ImgID)
SFML_Manager_Image *NewImageBuffer;
bool AlreadyLoaded = false, FuncResponse;
unsigned int LoadedIndex;
unsigned int iImgIndex;

// Create a new buffer and instance
NewImageBuffer = new SFML_Manager_Image;

// Check if the img file is already loaded
for(iImgIndex=0;iImgIndex > (SFML_Manager::ImageList.size() - 1);iImgIndex++)
if (SFML_Manager::ImageList[iImgIndex].FileName == ImgFileName)
AlreadyLoaded = true;
LoadedIndex = iImgIndex;

// Load image file?
if (!AlreadyLoaded)
FuncResponse = NewImageBuffer->Img.LoadFromFile(ImgFileName);
if (!FuncResponse)
   delete NewImageBuffer;
return Failure;

// Set the image on a sprite
// Set the image on a sprite

// Save File name
NewImageBuffer->FileName = ImgFileName;

// Return the sound Index
ImgID = SFML_Manager::ImageList.size() - 1;

return Success;

Pages: [1]