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Messages - Andidy

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Re: Rotating Quads within Tile Map
« on: November 14, 2018, 09:42:37 pm »
Sounds like you're not passing the correct element from your pose array (or the correct index of the element, however you wanna call it). Would be more helpful if you post all the relevant parts of the code.

I don't use forums like this often and it seems my image attachments aren't displaying :/

Here is a link to my output, you'll notice that all the tiles of the same part of the tileset have the same rotation. https://imgur.com/JhBUlVe

But heres some snippets
(click to show/hide)

Graphics / Rotating Quads within Tile Map [Solved]
« on: November 14, 2018, 06:55:47 pm »
EDIT: [SOLVED] I'm a dumby and forgot how switch statements work lmao

Hello, I am trying to modify the example tilemap presented in the 2.5.1 tutorials. I have added another array called "pose" which stores an int 0-3, I then made a function to set the orientation of the texcoords of the quads as the are being produced in the Load function. However when the vertex array is drawn to my program, all of the tiles have the same pose (3) even though each tile should have its own pose.

I think it might be I am passing the pointer to my quad in wrong but I am not sure.

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