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Messages - VirtualUser

Pages: [1]
Window / Re: Problem with run my old app after moving to Linux Ubuntu
« on: December 26, 2018, 05:19:04 pm »
Solved - reason: In CMake I missed a lot of source files.

Window / Problem with run my old app after moving to Linux Ubuntu
« on: December 26, 2018, 03:08:38 pm »
Hi guys, few months ago I have been developed my rts game, but lastly I had decided to change system to Linux Ubuntu. Now I use CLion and I have a "small problem" with run my old app. Generally I have installed SFML correctly because when I run sample code from website, It seems to be fine because I get small green circle. But when I do the same with my old project, it compile well, but when I want to run that, I get undefined reference but when I remove content of int main() I catch something like this:
error while loading shared libraries: libsfml-window.so.2.5: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
There is actual code

It is so weird because I have newest SFML in external and there is libsfml-window.so 2.5 too...

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