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Messages - smash

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Graphics / sf::Image -> SetPixel() and LoadFromPixels() both slow??
« on: August 03, 2011, 08:13:12 pm »

I got a problem.

I want to code Langton's Ant: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Langton%27s_ant

with 800x600 Pixels
I got a Map with 200x200 Fields (each 4x3 Pixels)
So if the Ant change on field, there are 12 pixel which have to be changed.

1. I tried it with 200x200 shapes (one field one shape) -> very slow if I have to draw every 200x200 (40.000) shapes after every Clear().
If I dont do the Clear and do every step only one draw of the changed shape it's real fast, but with black background... :/

2. then I tried to do it via sf::Image SetPixel(), 12 times for one field. -> not as slow as the shape method but still slow

3. now I'm trying to do it via sf::Image LoadFromPixels(), which is as slow as the SetPixel() way.
There are 48 assignments every step (12 pixel * 4 (rgba)) that's done really really fast, but the LoadFromPixels() method needs very much time, unfortunately...

here the Code for Method 2. and 3.:
No.2 the SetPixel() way is not active) just No.3 is active

Code: [Select]
void Grid::SetFieldPixel(int xMap, int yMap, sf::Color color)
    int xCoord = xMap *4;
    int yCoord = yMap *3;

    for(int i=0; i < 4; i++)
        for(int j=0; j < 3; j++)
            //GridImage.SetPixel(xMap*4+i, yMap*3+j, color);

            int pixel = ((xCoord+i) + 800 * (yCoord+j)) *4;

            if(color == sf::Color::Black)
                pixels[ pixel +0] = 0;
                pixels[ pixel +1] = 0;
                pixels[ pixel +2] = 0;
                pixels[ pixel +0] = 255;
                pixels[ pixel +1] = 255;
                pixels[ pixel +2] = 255;

            pixels[((xMap*4+i)+ 800 * (yMap*3+j))*4 +3] = 255;

Code: [Select]
void Grid::Draw(void)
    sf::Sprite Sprite1;
    GridImage.LoadFromPixels(800, 600, pixels);

Have you any Idea to draw it (much more) faster??

Graphics / Re: How to create and manipulate a pixelarray?
« on: August 03, 2011, 01:18:17 pm »
Quote from: "Laurent"
The formula is wrong. It should be:
Code: [Select]
pixels[(y * 800 + x) * 4 + 0] = red;
pixels[(y * 800 + x) * 4 + 1] = green;
pixels[(y * 800 + x) * 4 + 2] = blue;
pixels[(y * 800 + x) * 4 + 3] = alpha;

ok, thanks this works for me.
But it's also really really slow (not really faster as SetPixel()).

I got (at a resolution of 800x600) a Map  with 200x200 Fields, and every Field consits of 12 Pixels (4x3)

And in every Step I change one of these Fields, draw the whole picture and display it.
Which means I change every Step 12 pixels and so 48 assignments (4 assignments per pixel), in each step.
I show you my Code:

Code: [Select]

void Grid::SetFieldPixel(int xMap, int yMap, sf::Color color)
    for(int i=0; i < 4; i++)
        for(int j=0; j < 3; j++)
            //GridImage.SetPixel(xMap*4+i, yMap*3+j, color); // the "old" SetPixel() Idea...

            if(color == sf::Color::Black)
                pixels[ (((xMap*4+i) + 800 * (yMap*3+j)) *4) +0] = 0;
                pixels[ (((xMap*4+i) + 800 * (yMap*3+j)) *4) +1] = 0;
                pixels[ (((xMap*4+i) + 800 * (yMap*3+j)) *4) +2] = 0;
                pixels[ (((xMap*4+i) + 800 * (yMap*3+j)) *4) +0] = 255;
                pixels[ (((xMap*4+i) + 800 * (yMap*3+j)) *4) +1] = 255;
                pixels[ (((xMap*4+i) + 800 * (yMap*3+j)) *4) +2] = 255;

            pixels[((xMap*4+i)+ 800 * (yMap*3+j))*4 +3] = 255;

And I dont know, why it's so slow, it's ca. as fast as the SetPixel() variant.

Quote from: "Nexus"
Quote from: "smash"
that should be right.
Yes, but why don't you use STL containers? They free you from the burden of manual memory management.
Code: [Select]
std::vector<sf::Uint8> pixels(800 * 600 * 4);

Don't understood your intention... I knew the STL containers, but what do you mean exactly??

someone an Idea to get this faster?

Graphics / How to create and manipulate a pixelarray?
« on: August 02, 2011, 10:45:47 pm »
Hi guys (sry for my english  :P  :oops:)

I'm coding a simulation of langton's ant at the moment.
Because SetPixel is to slow, i want (i read about it) i want to code it via a pixelarray with 800x600 Pixels.


Code: [Select]
sf::Uint8 *pixels = new sf::Uint8[800 * 600 * 4]

that should be right.

And now, I want to access it:

Code: [Select]
pixels[x*800 + y +0] = 0; //red
pixels[x*800 + y +1] = 0; //green
pixels[x*800 + y +2] = 0; //blue
pixels[x*800 + y +3] = 0xff; //alpha

but I think it's not right, isn't it?

If the pixelarray is ready I load it via LoadFromPixels() into an Image and Draw it.

But it happens not the right result.
The picture is not how i expected.

Where's my fault?
Hope someone did something similar.

General / Different behaviours on Linux/Windows
« on: April 05, 2010, 07:46:14 pm »
I love you :)

thank you very much!!

yeah of course it's no SFML, problem... thats the reason why I post it also at a c++ community.

and... I dont know, why I am creating the projectiles, before I shoot them... it was my first idea and it was working pretty good.

i think i will use an integer to store the no. of bullets...

thank you for your great help and this idea!


General / Different behaviours on Linux/Windows
« on: April 05, 2010, 06:06:12 pm »
If I would know, where the error related code is, I would fix it...

On Linux it's working on Windows it's not working... I dont know which code lines have errors...


General / Different behaviours on Linux/Windows
« on: April 05, 2010, 01:38:08 pm »
Hallo everybody :)

A started to create a game with SFML in c++, a space shooter.

Here is the Code: space-game.zip

So far I have a player (controlling with arrow-keys) weapons for this player (switching with L-Controll) an of course fireing this weapons (with space).

Later there have to be enemies and bosses, highscores etc...

I developed this game on linux (ubuntu 32 bit) and there the game is working really great on linux.

If i put this code on my Windows XP PC and build the game there the behavior of the game is different.

Instead of 50 Bullets I got only 38 there and instead of 10 Missiles I got only 4.

On both (windows an linux) I use g++ and SFML 1.5

Here is the Win32 Debug Executable (with gfx, ready to run): space-game-bin.zip
Here you could see my Problem and you are able to Debug it..

What did I wrong? Did I make a misstake with the memory and the pointers?? (if yes, why its running perfect on linux?)

I hope someone could help me :)

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