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Messages - Evan

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Texturing a Procedurally generated shape
« on: April 07, 2010, 05:36:03 pm »
Hello all, I was wondering if SFML would be able to apply a texture to a shape (an object to be drawn to the screen) that was generated at start-up to the screen. Here's the situation:

I'm generating a 2d planet based on feedback from a Perlin noise function. This planet has vertexes at every degree around its surface ( 360 degrees, 360 vertexes). Each of these vertexes is a randomly generated distance from the center of the planet.

Here is a photo of a planet being rendered in Game Maker 8 (which is a bit to slow...)

I was wondering if this would be possible to render in SFML using the Shape class, also if it would be possible to tile a texture over the planet's surface.

Thanks for reading.

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