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Messages - Daniel Schreiber Mendes

Pages: [1]
Graphics / How to create a VertexArray with a repeated texture
« on: December 13, 2019, 11:16:12 pm »
how is the sf::Texture::m_isRepeated feature actually implemented? I looked at the source code but I don't know openGl yet and don't understand if the SFML library or openGl is doing this. Since I am using only vertexArrays for drawing and wanted to still use this feature without having to use a sf::Sprite or a sf::Drawable. I know how I would implement this feature with a vertexArray but I am wondering if there is any performance impact in case this is normally done by openGl.

Best regards,

Daniel Schreiber Mendes

Hey, why does this give me the following error?
sf::Texture t;
sf::Texture t2;
t.create(300, 300);
t2.create(100, 100);
error: no matching function for call to ‘sf::Texture::update(sf::Texture&)
When this function definitely exists?
void sf::Texture::update(const Texture &texture)       

It actually increased my loading performance 4  x times when loading the image one time and getting the textures from it.

Alright thanks you two I implemented it and it works fine. Wasn't that much effort. :)

Hey my friends I have a really big spritesheet and wanted to ask about the performance difference between loading a lot of textures from parts of it and loading the full texture one time and setting the IntRect when giving it to a sprite. 
Like this pseudocode:
    loadFromFile(spritesheetPath, IntRect(184, 108, 13, 16));
    loadFromFile(spritesheetPath, IntRect(168, 108, 14, 18));
    loadFromFile(spritesheetPath, IntRect(634, 24, 122, 25));
   // and so on
    sprite1.setTexture(spritesheet, IntRect(184, 108, 13, 16))
    sprite2.setTexture(spritesheet, IntRect(168, 108, 14, 18))
    sprite3.setTexture(spritesheet, IntRect(634, 24, 122, 25))
    // and so on
The second method would be very inconvenient because of the way my Resource Manager is structured but I don't want do loose too much performance when loading lots of textures.

Thanks for your Answers :)


Window / Re: Resolution Bug after creating window with valid mode
« on: October 16, 2019, 05:23:37 pm »
Yeah that works but there is still this annoying bug when opening the window.  :'(

Window / Resolution Bug after creating window with valid mode
« on: October 14, 2019, 06:53:57 pm »
 when I create a window with
everything is fine. But when I choose another index than 0, the following happens:
My screen turns black for a second and on the upper left corner the console is displayed for a fraction of a second. After that the window works fine with the wanted resolution. After I close the window though my whole desktop is getting displayed in the resolution that I've chosen for my window. I can reverse this by running the program again with the first fullscreen mode or by restarting.  The index is valid; there are about 44 valid fullscreen modes available.
What am I doing wrong?

The program is running on a quite old hp with Ubuntu 18.04 installed.

Thanks for all answers! :)


Graphics / Re: sf::Text is slightly off
« on: September 02, 2019, 03:01:07 pm »
Ah alright thanks a lot

General / Re: Should I use Vector2f or short int in terms of performance?
« on: September 01, 2019, 11:34:28 pm »
Okay, I'll keep that in mind

Graphics / sf::Text is slightly off
« on: September 01, 2019, 10:20:48 pm »
I just have a sf::Text named content and want to set its position but it seems to be off about 7 Pixels vertically all the time. What am I doing wrong?
content.setPosition(0, 0);
std::cout << content.getPosition().x << ", " << content.getPosition().y << std::endl;
gives me (0, 0); thats what it should be.
But it looks like this (ignore the label ):

I am not changing its position in any way despite the first line. So where does the offset come from?
Thanks for any help!

SFML projects / Re: Vagabond - a procedural 2D RPG
« on: September 01, 2019, 09:02:05 pm »

Alright, thanks!

General / Should I use Vector2f or short int in terms of performance?
« on: July 29, 2019, 05:12:53 pm »
Hello guys, I was wondering whether I should use Vector2f or short int as member variable types. Short int makes it easier to understand the use of the variable, but then I have to convert them all the time when I call functions of the SFML library. Vector2f seems to be a pretty big type which I think can lead to a worse performance than short int but I don't have to convert them.  In terms of performance, which one should I use?

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