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Messages - kamui

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SFML projects / Re: [Multiplayer Card Game] Mister President
« on: January 09, 2014, 04:31:05 pm »
Don't worry :) (beeee haappy..  8))  (euh.. kudos ?)

Thank you a lot for your support.

 I won't abort the project without making a final version cross-platform, with a lot of languages, a basic Solo mode, an AI, matchmaking,  and some improvments on existing which are already on pipe, like options to stop/start music, and maybe (because it's simple), permit to change commands.

However, if I really abort the project, It will not include alerts, animations, possibility to change rules, advanced account and profile, history, trophies, and events. There will be no final version downloadable with the "pay what you want" method, only a free not finished release.

SFML projects / Re: [Multiplayer Card Game] Mister President
« on: January 09, 2014, 12:17:36 pm »
Thanks a lot Grimshaw and Nexus for your advices :)

For the "product placement" ;D I'll take it off, you're right, it's too much ^^ (by the way it's Crim'17++ : the pad "gives" the two "plus" signs)

On the other sites I posted the game, everybody says quite the same thing : "President is not a game that you want to play online, it's more an "IRL funny game"..."

The positive thing is that this game permited me to see a lot of things about game development.

Thanks you SFML and SFGUI you did a lot of things that I didn't have to do :). And thank you SFNUL to have come after the war ! ;D

SFML projects / Re: [Multiplayer Card Game] Mister President
« on: January 09, 2014, 01:39:12 am »
Really surprised that this game is a total flop... I gues there is a good reason so in this case please tell me what's wrong so I could improve the game thanks to your feedbacks.

The difficulty to organise a game with 4 players let me think that I had to add a solo mode, and an AI. This work is in progress, and a new release of the demo will be downloadable soon. It will include complete spanish translation and Mac release.

A new video has been added to the original post. Look at it, and give your feelings, every comment will be helpful, even if it's to explain why the game is not interesting for you.

SFML projects / [Multiplayer Card Game] Mister President
« on: December 29, 2013, 12:13:46 pm »
Mister President


T.I.E Studio (futur ex-Crim'17++)
This Is Everithing (This means imagination)

Mister President is an online multiplayer card game. This game is also known as "AssHole" and the rules are simple : you take part on a game with other players (generally 4). All the cards are dealt and you only have to get rid of them, in a turn by turn exchange. But pay attention, you can only play higher cards than the previous ones played, and two of a kind over the top of another two of a kind, etc !The winner becomes President, the looser Asshole, and on the next game, the asshole must give his two best cards to the President, and sadly get back the two worst ones of the President...

You've got an acount(login et mot de passe), which permit you to see your game history, and to know your rank. Most of the variants are integrated and you can chose your favorite combination on the game options. You can create a game or join another, online, or on WLAN (You create a game, give your IP to your friends who can directly join you)

Discover the game on Youtube

Mister President particularity ?
Mister President will make a "humoristic touch" at every moment. Trough datas of profiles and statistics generated  in the short, medium and long term, the game will make special alerts on the middle o a game with announcments like "players with "toto" on tag are the biggest assholes of the year 20yy". There will be animations of ceremony of prize-giving every month then every year for the best President/AssHles of the month/year ("asshole of the year 2015" for example). Trophies which every one will can see when you'll come on a game ! It will be fun ! :p

classic rules*
*Most of these parameters will can be changed on the game options

  • players|Number of players : 4 only (for this demo)
  • Order of cards : 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Jack Queen King As 2, no order on colors.
  • permitted hand : You can play only unique cards, two of a kind, three of a kind or squares.
  • Pass : You also can play no cards.
  • Revolution : playing a square revert the order of cards described right above.
  • permitted number of cards : the first player of a turn choose the permitted number of cards.
  • The 2 cuts: It's not possible to play over the top of a 2. This card is also submitted to previous rule.
  • Exchange of cards at the end of a game : Not implemented for this demo

Multiplayer Card Game

C++11, SFML 2.0, SFGUI 0.1, php5, Apache 2, MySQL, SVN, NTL, RSA, CodeIgniter, Azure, CodeBlocks, MySQL Workbench 6.0

Open-Source ?
Yes but not for the moment, because the source code needs a really important. The number of lines of code is aproximatively 4000 for the moment.

Platforms targets
Windows, Mac, Linux (Yes the 3 platforms !)

English, French, spanish and more soon.

Project State(35%)
Done :

  • Mode LAN/WLAN
  • rules
  • amp server
  • database
  • sort of cards
  • handle a simple game
  • Menus
  • WebService
  • login system
  • Installer

Todo List :
  • online mode (matchmaking)
  • rules options
  • Graphics
  • HUD Profile
  • handle game history

A demo as Christmas present !
I'm really sorry, but for the moment it will miss a platform (Mac), because my PCs mutually decided to not virtualize a Mac OS, and I must wait to come back to my job where PCs are more flexible ;)

My spanish friends, "discùlpeme", but it will also miss a complete translation for you, but a friend is finishing it and it will be available very soon

Windows :
Download for Windows

Linux :
Download for linux

Be Carful Linux !

It seems that a known issue is causing trouble in creating a game (threading trouble). For the moment, only join Windows and Mac games.

Ok, it's all I think.. oh, also :

As you can see, we (developpers) have done everything, even graphics, translations, etc (and my english is not perfect as you can read ^^).. i you want you can join us or ponctually help by adding a translation or help us for 2D graphics and animation. For now, we could doo it ourselves, but in the future o this game, it will habe intro cinematics, in-game animations, etc so..

  • 2D graphist (menus, cards, HUD, in-game animations (card moving,prize-giving, winner/looser animation, etc.. )
  • tanslators (italian, german, end any language you want with the tranlsation system used)
  • 3D Graphist/artists (for intro cinematic (T.I.E Studio)) <= not important for the moment

back to the future...
If this game works and develops a little community arround its demo and on the different networks, it will continue to a finale version totally customisable (rules, commands, profile, etc), with the adding of a detailed profile, statistic generation, game history, animations, more languages, still the 3 paltforms. The game will be available on download by the marketing metod "Pay What You Want", so free for those who will not want to pay for it

To resume,

Here is a playable demo of a cross-platform multihread, multiplayer, multilingue, game,  with a  24/24 7/7 opened server, open-source, with an ambitious future, and if you want it, promising, so have a delicious meal, Ladies and gentlemen President !

Any questions ?
Ask it, every question will have an answer.

The T.I.E Studio Team

SFML projects / Re: SFGUI (0.1.0 released)
« on: April 25, 2013, 12:29:47 pm »
I have not enough time today but tonight I'll make some tests and if I'm not able to make a simple example I'll try to make a minimal code that reproduce the problem. The fact that the problem does'nt appear on every computer make the debug very difficult even for you if my minimal code doesn't reproduce the error on your computer. Sorry to not do it now I'm at work this afternoon.

SFML projects / Re: SFGUI (0.1.0 released)
« on: April 25, 2013, 10:32:10 am »
I've a big problem and I didn't find anything, but I hope it's a known issue. I have a game using sfgui and i've make a popup to  let user enter an IP address. On my computer all works fine.

When i copy the exe on the computer of my wife, I try to enter my IP address and every character i write appears twice ! And the entry also contains the two characters so it's not a display problem !

I had to recompile all my dlls and I use them (sfml + sfgui) dynamically, and i think the problem is there. I would prefer not have to make different build for my game..

Tell me it's a known issue ;D

configuration : Intel Core i3-2310M CPU @ 2.10GHz 2.10GHz
RAM : 4Go
Seven SP1 64 bit
NVIDIA GeForce GT 520M

I can send you (by MP) a client, ask me if you need and tell me when you wanna try, i will activate the web services.

SFML projects / Re: SFGUI (0.1.0 released)
« on: March 27, 2013, 01:14:45 pm »

I started using your library, and all works great, but I didn't find how to align my boxes to the center of my sfml window. I saw some threads where binary1234 gave explanations on using sfg::alignment, but it has no effect on my code.

Here's an example of what I tried :

sfg::Box::Ptr box = sfg::Box::Create( sfg::Box::VERTICAL );
sfg::Alignment::Ptr center = sfg::Alignment::Create();
center->SetAlignment(sf::Vector2f(1366.f, 768.f));
box->Pack(center, true, true);

Did I do something wrong ?
Look at Layout.cpp in the examples folder.


SFML projects / Re: SFGUI (0.1.0 released)
« on: March 26, 2013, 09:33:08 pm »

I started using your library, and all works great, but I didn't find how to align my boxes to the center of my sfml window. I saw some threads where binary1234 gave explanations on using sfg::alignment, but it has no effect on my code.

Here's an example of what I tried :

sfg::Box::Ptr box = sfg::Box::Create( sfg::Box::VERTICAL );
sfg::Alignment::Ptr center = sfg::Alignment::Create();
center->SetAlignment(sf::Vector2f(1366.f, 768.f));
box->Pack(center, true, true);

Did I do something wrong ?

General discussions / Re: A new logo for SFML
« on: March 26, 2013, 09:20:32 pm »
A good animal symbole would be the pelegrin falcon : the fastest animal in the world. And it's a very simple animal... ok but still very fast, like your library ;)

I liked the one with the wierd L and the number 2, but it's not re-usable.

I followed up on this idea and came with these results

I would imagine some speed effects on the logo and a falcon like this one, but inverted horizontaly and on the right of the logo :

But yours is already great btw.

General discussions / Re: A new logo for SFML
« on: March 19, 2013, 03:02:09 pm »
A good animal symbole would be the pelegrin falcon : the fastest animal in the world. And it's a very simple animal... ok but still very fast, like your library ;)

I liked the one with the wierd L and the number 2, but it's not re-usable.

Window / Moving a shape along both axis using sf::Vector2f
« on: February 20, 2012, 05:29:41 pm »

this because you're using sf::Events instead of sf::Input (if you're on SFM-1.6).

Read this Tutorial for more explanations.

Edit : oops, sorry  :D did'nt wrote until the end... Elgan is right ;) (you delete your first assignement with both "=" operations).

General / Collision detection(Pong game)
« on: February 09, 2012, 10:47:52 am »

I don't think it's a problem with parenteses :

with operators priority...

Code: [Select]

 if((bouncerPosition.x <= (leftRacketPosition.x + racketWidth)) && (velocity_.x < 0.0f))
      if(((bouncerPosition.y + ballHeight_) >= leftRacketPosition.y) && (bouncerPosition.y <= (leftRacketPosition.y + racketHeight)))

...that's good.

you should check collision with anticipation (look after next time if collision will be detected) because you maybe think the ball collide with a wall, but it's just that you say "stop" too late to your ball colliding with paddles :

Code: [Select]

        if (velocity.x<0)//check leftPaddle
            if (leftRacketPosition.x >= (bouncerPosition.x + velocity.x)) //the ball is going to be in the left paddleX area
               if ((BouncerPosition.y>=LeftRacketPosition.y)
               && (bouncerPosition.y<=leftracketPosition.y+Height)) //the ball is going to be in the left PaddleY area
                     return COLLIDING_WITH_LEFT_PADDLE;
        else//check RightRacket

General discussions / Extremely important question for Friday
« on: February 03, 2012, 09:42:50 pm »
debian hard drive representation (with KDE) xD

General / 3 keys ok, but 4 halts the input. Why? (Solved)
« on: January 31, 2012, 02:13:39 pm »
Quote from: "jone"
Here's a nice explanation. You can even test your keyboard using the small app on top of the page. :)


To test its own keyboard seems to be interesting. But how to code an app which test keybord capabilities, according to you (I've no idea)?

It could be usefull on a multi-player game taking only one keyboard...

General / 3 keys ok, but 4 halts the input. Why? (Solved)
« on: January 31, 2012, 11:52:52 am »

I read somwhere that it depends on the keyboard.

(searching where...)

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