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General / Why does SFML cut off output before the main while loop?
« on: August 15, 2011, 10:41:32 pm »
Quote from: "Laurent"
std::cout is buffered. Use std::endl or std::flush to force it to output its internal buffer to the console.

I don't really know what that means, but it worked!

Thank you, I am always baffled by how fast you respond to things here. It's awesome.

General / Why does SFML cut off output before the main while loop?
« on: August 15, 2011, 10:30:44 pm »
Hi guys, I've noticed something strange. I just want to output a few variables before the main while(App.IsOpened()) loop, but it seems like it doesn't display the last thing before the loop until something inside the loop outputs. For example, if I have:

Code: [Select]

cout << endl << "Vert angle before: " << twoLayers[0].vertical_tilt_angle;
cout << endl << "Horiz angle before: " << twoLayers[0].horizontal_tilt_angle;

It only displays the first line, until an event in the loop triggers another cout, at which point it outputs the second line, then the one from the event.

If I put in this:

Code: [Select]

cout << endl << "Vert angle before: " << twoLayers[0].vertical_tilt_angle;
cout << endl << "Horiz angle before: " << twoLayers[0].horizontal_tilt_angle;
cout << endl << "MOOOOOOOOOO";

It outputs both, but not the MOOOOOOO until, as before, something in the loop outputs.

I'm noticing this inside the loop as well, and it's a little annoying. Does anyone know the cause of it?


General / sf::Image::CopyScreen() not in sf::Image??
« on: August 13, 2011, 09:36:07 pm »
Quote from: "Nexus"
You can checkout the latest source code from GitHub, so you have access to the newest features and bugfixes.

I thought you would use an older version, but it seems like it is quite up-to-date, too (2011-07-28). I am not used to Arch Linux and its packaging system, I have always used Git directly (on Windows and Ubuntu).

Yeah, that's why I'm confused. Arch's main thing is being "cutting edge", which is cool, but sometimes a huge PITA.

Any idea why it's not compiling for me? I'm compiling with the -l flags. In fact, I'm using the same exact code and makefile, and both systems have the same exact version of SFML. Any ideas?


General / sf::Image::CopyScreen() not in sf::Image??
« on: August 12, 2011, 07:57:29 pm »
Quote from: "Nexus"
Why don't you just use the latest SFML 2 Git revision? Then you don't have to port a lot of code when SFML 2 is finally released.

Errr, I'm sorry, I don't know what that means...

If I do pacman -Qi sfml, it gives me:

Version        : 1.99.git20110728-1

What exactly do you mean?

Also, very strangely, at my work computer, I have the same exact version with Arch Linux, and my code is working fine. When I try the same code at home (with the same version of SFML), it is giving me errors:

Code: [Select]
undefined reference to `sf::RenderWindow::RenderWindow(sf::VideoMode, std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&, unsigned long, sf::WindowSettings const&)'


General / sf::Image::CopyScreen() not in sf::Image??
« on: August 11, 2011, 05:28:36 pm »
Wow, I feel like an idiot. I looked at my Image.hpp file and it showed the header for CopyScreen():

Code: [Select]
bool CopyScreen(RenderWindow& window, const IntRect& sourceRect = IntRect(0, 0, 0, 0));

There is a default Rect, so I don't need to supply one. Herp derp!


General / sf::Image::CopyScreen() not in sf::Image??
« on: August 11, 2011, 05:17:38 pm »
Quote from: "Laurent"
SFML 2 changes a lot, so don't trust older topics, only the online documentation is reliable (assuming you use the latest snapshot -- it you use an older one you can only rely on headers).

So if you have a recent revision (not more than a few days old), RenderWindow::Capture is back.

If you have an older revision (which should be the case since your compiler still finds Image::CopyScreen), read the documentation (in Image.hpp directly) of Image::CopyScreen. I don't know what your "5" is supposed to be, but it's not a rectangle ;)

Thanks for the swift response!

I'm using "sfml1.99" which is Arch's package for it. From another thread I read here it seems that it is an alpha version of SFML 2.

RenderWindow::Capture definitely doesn't work. If I try App.Capture(), it says

Code: [Select]
error: class 'sf::RenderWindow' has no member named "Capture'

So it's not that. But it recognizes some sort of CopyScreen, so I guess I'll have to use that.

Haha, I just did 5 because I wanted to have two arguments, and see what it gave me. Why do I have to supply a Rect? What is that rect, the area it is capturing?

General / sf::Image::CopyScreen() not in sf::Image??
« on: August 11, 2011, 04:46:01 pm »
Hi, I'm very confused. I want to take a screenshot several times in my program. I'm using SFML2, so I discovered that they don't use Capture() anymore.

From [url = http://www.sfml-dev.org/forum/viewtopic.php?p=31491&sid=99742a8c296d8c942218806680bef595]this[/url] thread, the guy said to use sf::Image::CopyScreen().  But when I go to the link for sf::Image (http://www.sfml-dev.org/documentation/2.0/classsf_1_1Image.php), it's nowhere to be seen!

So, does it still exist? Because it's not in the documentation, I don't know what arguments to supply it. When I try some silly thing just to see the output, like:

Code: [Select]

it says

Code: [Select]
...candidate is:
/usr/include/SFML/Graphics/Image.hpp:233:10: note: bool sf::Image::CopyScreen(sf::RenderWindow&, const IntRect&)

I'm not really sure what an IntRect is, or how I will save the screenshot to an sf::Image. It was so much easier with App.Capture, why'd they change it?

Can anyone help me?


General / How can I group shapes/lines together?
« on: December 10, 2010, 07:21:02 am »
Quote from: "heishe"
I think you can set the center of the other arrows two head lines to the middle of the other line, so they rotate around that.

This is a clever idea...I think I'll try it. Still, I don't see why there wouldn't be some sort of group option.

General / How can I group shapes/lines together?
« on: December 10, 2010, 07:19:41 am »
Quote from: "DeadLeaves"
Wouldn't it work to use an image? Or make a polygon?

I suppose I could be clever and make a polygon that has no lines that cross, but I made a simple arrow out of a polygon with 4 or 5 lines, and it came out pretty awful. An image might not be a bad idea, but arrows drawn with lines seemed like the natural solution because they have to be resized and rotated a lot.

General / How can I group shapes/lines together?
« on: December 08, 2010, 03:38:26 am »
Hey everyone!

I am trying to draw a ton of small arrows, which I then set the positions of, and rotate around the center of the arrow. Right now I'm doing it with regular lines and it's working fine, but I eventually want arrows. However, it would be a pain in the ass to rotate the two lines that make the head of the arrow around the center of the thing:

So my question is, is there any way to group the lines together so that I can manipulate them as a single, larger object?


General discussions / Problem with sf::Color
« on: August 09, 2010, 09:16:11 pm »
Ok. I'll post it here in case anyone ever wants it, not that it's very complicated to make:

Code: [Select]

//This function converts HSL (Hue, saturation, lightness) to RGB.
//H goes from 0 to 360.
//S goes from 0 to 1.
//L goes from 0 to 1.
//The RGB values in the returned pointer go from 0 to 255.
//The returned pointer is 3 doubles long, *(ptr)=R, *(ptr+1)=G, *(ptr+2)=B.

double* HSLtoRGB(double H, double S, double L){
double * HSLptr;
HSLptr = new double[3];
cout << endl << "Error in HSLtoRGB when allocating memory." << endl;
double C = 2*L*S;
double Hprime = H/60.0;
double a = Hprime - 2*floor(Hprime/2.0);
double X = C*(1-fabs(a-1));
double C_0 = C*255;
double X_0 = X*255;

if(Hprime>=0 && Hprime<1){
*(HSLptr+0) = C_0;
*(HSLptr+1) = X_0;
*(HSLptr+2) = 0;
         if(Hprime>=1 && Hprime<2){
*(HSLptr+0) = X_0;
*(HSLptr+1) = C_0;
*(HSLptr+2) = 0;
         if(Hprime>=2 && Hprime<3){
*(HSLptr+0) = 0;
*(HSLptr+1) = C_0;
*(HSLptr+2) = X_0;
         if(Hprime>=3 && Hprime<4){
*(HSLptr+0) = 0;
*(HSLptr+1) = X_0;
*(HSLptr+2) = C_0;
         if(Hprime>=4 && Hprime<5){
*(HSLptr+0) = X_0;
*(HSLptr+1) = 0;
*(HSLptr+2) = C_0;
         if(Hprime>=5 && Hprime<6){
*(HSLptr+0) = C_0;
*(HSLptr+1) = 0;
*(HSLptr+2) = X_0;

return HSLptr;

} //HSLtoRGB

Hmm, the tags made my indentation a little weird.

General discussions / Problem with sf::Color
« on: August 09, 2010, 08:54:17 pm »
Haha, well I assumed that 0 would be completely dim, 255 would be really bright. I'm not exactly sure why I was using 500 to begin with... I only noticed because I upgraded gcc and this newer version seems to care about this, while the older one didn't.

Is there another function for defining colors? Because in my program, using HSL is a whole lot more convenient than RGB. I made a little function to switch it, but I'm just curious.

General discussions / Problem with sf::Color
« on: August 09, 2010, 07:46:38 pm »
Goddamnit! I took a few screenshots and in the process, found the solution, but I'm still confused. For 500, it's really bright, for 400, it's dimmer, 300, still dimmer...then 200, brighter, so I tried 255, and it's as bright as I want! But I swear I tried 255 before. GRRRR. All warnings are gone, anyway. Thanks!

General discussions / Problem with sf::Color
« on: August 09, 2010, 07:41:15 pm »
Haha, I believe it...but then why is it giving me a much brighter color when I set it to 500? I want it to be brighter. Let me get a couple screenshots.

General discussions / Problem with sf::Color
« on: August 09, 2010, 05:09:15 pm »
Hey guys. I have a black background to my app. At some point, I draw a rainbow strip at the bottom. So my code works, but it's giving me the obnoxious error of:

Code: [Select]
flowfield.cpp:476: warning: large integer implicitly truncated to unsigned type

I suspect (in fact, know) that it's because I'm doing this:

Code: [Select]

While the fourth argument should only be going from 0-255, according to the documentation for this. But when I set it to 255, it's too dark! I can barely see it. What can I do?


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