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Messages - Lauthai

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Re: Mix RenderWindow with OpenGL
« on: January 30, 2021, 07:27:39 pm »
I know the threads seem very convoluted and even complicate things, but that's the way the program I am making runs everything.  I was about to find a solution over on this thread: https://en.sfml-dev.org/forums/index.php?topic=24081.0 Where after my while loop that ends around line 217 in the second thread, I needed to add


I needed to do additional clean up before returning out of Thread B.  But those lines did fix the problem.

Graphics / [SOLVED] Mix RenderWindow with OpenGL
« on: January 28, 2021, 07:48:19 am »
Hello everyone,

I am working on programming a game in which there are two threads, Thread A (which renders using SFML based calls to draw) and Thread B (which uses direct OpenGL based calls).  What happens is that I draw some text on screen in Thread A, then pause and switch to Thread B where I draw a Purple Triangle with a blue background.  When it switches back from Thread B to Thread A and tries to draw using SFML again, the purple triangle persists and the text does not appear.  This triangle then stays on screen forever and nothing overrides it.  I am using a RenderWindow when creating my window for the game.  I believe that I am missing some call that is needed to switch from OpenGL back to SFML but I am not sure what it is.  Maybe it is something else I am missing.

I went and created a fresh .cpp file that contains only the base code needed to run this example.  Each Thread runs for 3 seconds then switches (mostly documented in code) and if you run the code, the ESC key is a kill key as it runs in full screen.

(click to show/hide)

I am using the latest version of SFML and GLEW to run this .cpp example file.  I have attached the .cpp file (which is the code in the spoiler above)

Please let me know if there is something that I missed in my code that causes it to not be able to switch back from OpenGL drawing to SFML drawing.

Graphics / Re: Unicode Text Appearing as Boxes With Question Marks
« on: September 13, 2020, 05:33:37 pm »
A new font seemed to fix it.  Thank you.

Graphics / Re: Unicode Text Appearing as Boxes With Question Marks
« on: September 13, 2020, 05:26:54 pm »
I think your font doesn't support japanese characters. 🤔

Interesting...I'm surprised that it worked when displaying in the command prompt then.  I'll try a different font and see if that fixes anything.

Graphics / Unicode Text Appearing as Boxes With Question Marks
« on: September 13, 2020, 05:02:11 pm »

I am trying to get unicode characters working inside of my sfml based program written in C++.  I have tried using a wide string but when it draws on screen, it appears as a box with a question mark inside of it.  I am using the Consolas font when drawing the text.  I have my console set to use the same font and it draws the characters fine, but can't when drawn on screen.

Here is a simplified version of the code I am running:

// Creating of the render window
sf::RenderWindow gameWindow(sf::VideoMode(1920, 1080), "Game", sf::Style::Fullscreen);

// gameWindow is passed over to a thread so now I have a reference via pointer

// Load the font
sf::Font basicFont;
if (!basicFont.loadFromFile("Fonts/consola.ttf")) {
        wcerr << L"Can't load text" << endl;

// Create the basic text
sf::Text test;
The font is loaded successfully and that return statement never called.

I have also attached the consola.ttf since maybe there is a problem with that.

I'm not sure exactly why it is unable to draw those characters.

Audio / Music getPlayingOffset() more accurate?
« on: February 20, 2020, 11:40:05 pm »
I am working on a rhythm style game and am using sf::Music to load and play my song files.  However, when I try to use the getPlayingOffset().asMilliseconds() function, it only is producing updates to the number every 20 milliseconds. For example:

// Create and open a song file
sf::Music song;


// Test by outputting the offset.
while(1) {
    cout << song.getPlayingOffset().asMilliseconds() << endl;

I would expect that it would output something continouous like 1, 2, 3, 4, ... but instead get 0, 0, ..., 0, 20, 20 and repeat by 20s.

Is there a way to make it so that the offset is more accurately outputting to the millisecond instead of 20? Would that involve modifying a compiling a custom copy of the audio.dll?  Or would you have a better suggestion to get the current millisecond since the start of the song (i.e. would output 1000 if the song has been going for 1 second)?

EDIT: Would it be better to load the song into a sound buffer and then play using sf::Sound instead? Would the reduce the update delay?

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