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Messages - PolyyloP

Pages: [1]
Would anyone use a web tool where you upload 2d images of a character's limbs (side-facing), click submit, and then it generates animations for you? I.e. running, walking, punching, kicking, etc? It may also autogenerate code so you can easily make game prototypes with that character in C++/SFML, or some other language/framework.

There would be a cost, like $0.10 (USD) per animation, with a discount if you select all "core" animations, and additional discounts if you allow your images to be saved in a database to train a machine learning model. This would not be a subscription model, but rather pay as you go. A token would be equal to $0.01, and you could buy them and spend them to generate more animations.

This tool could be used to speed up the development of 2d side scrollers, along with other use cases.

Graphics / Re: Error with include in header file
« on: April 11, 2020, 02:30:01 am »

Graphics / Re: Error with include in header file
« on: April 09, 2020, 08:01:10 pm »
Ah, yes! Changing the direction of the slash fixed the issue. That is strange that it threw an error in the header file but not in a .cpp file. In any case, the code is for a slider that I downloaded from GitHub (link below). Not sure why the author used an incorrect slash. Does it vary by OS?

My build commands:
g++ -c SliderSFML.cpp
g++ -c main.cpp
g++ main.o SliderSFML.o -o main



Graphics / Error with include in header file
« on: April 07, 2020, 08:05:51 am »

I know different versions of this question have been asked all over the internet, but I can't find anything explaining the issue I am having. I am running SFML on Ubuntu 18.04. When I compile an SFML '.cpp' file to an object file, everything works fine, but when I move the forward declarations of the file into a header file, and recompile, I get the error "fatal error: SFML\Graphics.hpp: No such file or directory".

Why can't I use SFML in header files. The code is identical and should work the same as when I have it all in a .cpp file.


Pages: [1]