General discussions / NoesisGUI, wants an OpenGL Device, what do I give it? what GUI kit do you use?
« on: September 22, 2020, 10:06:32 pm »
There's specific line when setting up Noesis to be used, and that's
The issue is this "glDevice" concept.
Now I see via the samples like on this line here: https://github.com/Noesis/Tutorials/blob/master/Samples/IntegrationGLUT/C%2B%2B/Src/Main.cpp#L103 that this sample is using the AppFramework, which is a far more invasive all-encompassing application flow framework than I'd like to adopt into my project, and in fact it's not even recommended to do so (https://www.noesisengine.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1846#p10435) but all of their samples use this "NsApp" framework to create an OpenGL Device.
However, with the context of SFML's RenderWindow, there's no such extractable "Device" I can figure to use in a way that Noesis wants. So I'm not sure how to proceed, if at all.
There's also no integration examples for SFML that I can find.
Any insight?
Secondarily, what GUI kit have you used with SFML before?
The issue is this "glDevice" concept.
Now I see via the samples like on this line here: https://github.com/Noesis/Tutorials/blob/master/Samples/IntegrationGLUT/C%2B%2B/Src/Main.cpp#L103 that this sample is using the AppFramework, which is a far more invasive all-encompassing application flow framework than I'd like to adopt into my project, and in fact it's not even recommended to do so (https://www.noesisengine.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=1846#p10435) but all of their samples use this "NsApp" framework to create an OpenGL Device.
However, with the context of SFML's RenderWindow, there's no such extractable "Device" I can figure to use in a way that Noesis wants. So I'm not sure how to proceed, if at all.
There's also no integration examples for SFML that I can find.
Any insight?
Secondarily, what GUI kit have you used with SFML before?