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Messages - stoikheion

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Arbitrarily split an image?
« on: July 03, 2010, 12:45:45 am »
Thanks for the tip! Do you think it makes the most sense to look at implementation for sf::Sprite::SetSubRect, and modify the sf::Sprite class directly? This would require recompiling SFML, but it might be easier to access the underlying OpenGL texture data used in sf::Sprite.
Alternatively, should I create a subclass from sf::Sprite in my own code, and manipulate the texture coordinates used in sf::Sprite from there? I don't know if I should consider the possibility of committing this change, if it works well and is usable in a lot of scenarios.

Graphics / Arbitrarily split an image?
« on: July 01, 2010, 09:22:07 am »
Hello everyone,

I'm trying to "split" a sprite into two separate entities, as if I were to cut across one with a knife. This would be a fairly easy problem if I could allocate new images for each split, but since I want this to happen for several sprites at once, all using the same texture, allocating several pairs of new images seems very silly and inefficient. This is a visual example of what I'm trying to accomplish:

The red line across which the sprite is split could be at any angle (and hopefully in the future multiple lines, like a jagged line), and the two images in the third panel would be separate and independent.

I feel like the use of texture coordinates would simplify what I'm doing, but I haven't gone source-diving into SFML enough to know what modifications I would make, and I wanted to see if there's an easy way to do this that I'm overlooking. I can't create a pixel mask, since that would allocate a new image, but maybe I could make some sort of simple vector mask using sf::Shape?

If anyone could provide any general suggestions, references, or hints, that would be fantastic. Thanks in advance!

Pages: [1]