Graphics / Is it possible to use SFML with Arnold renderer C++ API?
« on: August 25, 2021, 04:45:40 am »
I would like to use the Arnold renderer API with SFML. Basically, to use Arnold to render a scene and show it on an SFML RenderWindow.
Below is a sample Arnold renderer C++ code that renders a scene and outputs it on a JPEG. I want instead of outputting to JPEG, to output on a SFML RenderWindow. Below is the Arnold C++ code:
Below is a sample Arnold renderer C++ code that renders a scene and outputs it on a JPEG. I want instead of outputting to JPEG, to output on a SFML RenderWindow. Below is the Arnold C++ code:
int main()
// start an Arnold session, log to both a file and the console
// create a sphere geometric primitive
AtNode *sph = AiNode("sphere");
AiNodeSetStr(sph, "name", "mysphere");
AiNodeSetVec(sph, "center", 0.0f, 4.0f, 0.0f);
AiNodeSetFlt(sph, "radius", 4.0f);
// create a polymesh, with UV coordinates
AtNode *mesh = AiNode("polymesh");
AiNodeSetStr(mesh, "name", "mymesh");
AtArray* nsides_array = AiArray(1, 1, AI_TYPE_UINT, 4);
AiNodeSetArray(mesh, "nsides", nsides_array);
AtArray* vlist_array = AiArray(12, 1, AI_TYPE_FLOAT, -10.f, 0.f, 10.f, 10.f, 0.f, 10.f, -10.f, 0.f, -10.f, 10.f, 0.f, -10.f);
AiNodeSetArray(mesh, "vlist", vlist_array);
AtArray* vidxs_array = AiArray(4, 1, AI_TYPE_UINT, 0, 1, 3, 2);
AiNodeSetArray(mesh, "vidxs", vidxs_array);
AtArray* uvlist_array = AiArray(8, 1, AI_TYPE_FLOAT, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f);
AiNodeSetArray(mesh, "uvlist", uvlist_array);
AtArray* uvidxs_array = AiArray(4, 1, AI_TYPE_UINT, 0, 1, 2, 3);
AiNodeSetArray(mesh, "uvidxs", uvidxs_array);
// create a red standard surface shader
AtNode *shader1 = AiNode("standard_surface");
AiNodeSetStr(shader1, "name", "myshader1");
AiNodeSetRGB(shader1, "base_color", 1.0f, 0.02f, 0.02f);
AiNodeSetFlt(shader1, "specular", 0.05f);
// create a textured standard surface shader
AtNode *shader2 = AiNode("standard_surface");
AiNodeSetStr(shader2, "name", "myshader2");
AiNodeSetRGB(shader2, "base_color", 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// create an image shader for texture mapping
AtNode *image = AiNode("image");
AiNodeSetStr(image, "name", "myimage");
AiNodeSetStr(image, "filename", "./dad_son.jpg");
AiNodeSetFlt(image, "sscale", 4.f);
AiNodeSetFlt(image, "tscale", 4.f);
// link the output of the image shader to the color input of the surface shader
AiNodeLink(image, "base_color", shader2);
// assign the shaders to the geometric objects
AiNodeSetPtr(sph, "shader", shader1);
AiNodeSetPtr(mesh, "shader", shader2);
// create a perspective camera
AtNode *camera = AiNode("persp_camera");
AiNodeSetStr(camera, "name", "mycamera");
// position the camera (alternatively you can set 'matrix')
AiNodeSetVec(camera, "position", 0.f, 10.f, 35.f);
AiNodeSetVec(camera, "look_at", 0.f, 3.f, 0.f);
AiNodeSetFlt(camera, "fov", 45.f);
// create a point light source
AtNode *light = AiNode("point_light");
AiNodeSetStr(light, "name", "mylight");
// position the light (alternatively use 'matrix')
AiNodeSetVec(light, "position", 15.f, 30.f, 15.f);
AiNodeSetFlt(light, "intensity", 4500.f); // alternatively, use 'exposure'
AiNodeSetFlt(light, "radius", 4.f); // for soft shadows
// get the global options node and set some options
AtNode *options = AiUniverseGetOptions();
AiNodeSetInt(options, "AA_samples", 8);
AiNodeSetInt(options, "xres", 1480);
AiNodeSetInt(options, "yres", 1360);
AiNodeSetInt(options, "GI_diffuse_depth", 4);
// set the active camera (optional, since there is only one camera)
AiNodeSetPtr(options, "camera", camera);
// create an output driver node
[b] AtNode *driver = AiNode("driver_jpeg");
AiNodeSetStr(driver, "name", "mydriver");
AiNodeSetStr(driver, "filename", "./scene1.jpg");
// create a gaussian filter node
AtNode *filter = AiNode("gaussian_filter");
AiNodeSetStr(filter, "name", "myfilter");
// assign the driver and filter to the main (beauty) AOV,
// which is called "RGBA" and is of type RGBA
AtArray *outputs_array = AiArrayAllocate(1, 1, AI_TYPE_STRING);
AiArraySetStr(outputs_array, 0, "RGBA RGBA myfilter mydriver");
AiNodeSetArray(options, "outputs", outputs_array);
// finally, render the image!
ArnoldWindow arnoldWindow = ArnoldWindow();
// ... or you can write out an .ass file instead
//AiASSWrite("scene1.ass", AI_NODE_ALL, FALSE);
// Arnold session shutdown
return 0;
// start an Arnold session, log to both a file and the console
// create a sphere geometric primitive
AtNode *sph = AiNode("sphere");
AiNodeSetStr(sph, "name", "mysphere");
AiNodeSetVec(sph, "center", 0.0f, 4.0f, 0.0f);
AiNodeSetFlt(sph, "radius", 4.0f);
// create a polymesh, with UV coordinates
AtNode *mesh = AiNode("polymesh");
AiNodeSetStr(mesh, "name", "mymesh");
AtArray* nsides_array = AiArray(1, 1, AI_TYPE_UINT, 4);
AiNodeSetArray(mesh, "nsides", nsides_array);
AtArray* vlist_array = AiArray(12, 1, AI_TYPE_FLOAT, -10.f, 0.f, 10.f, 10.f, 0.f, 10.f, -10.f, 0.f, -10.f, 10.f, 0.f, -10.f);
AiNodeSetArray(mesh, "vlist", vlist_array);
AtArray* vidxs_array = AiArray(4, 1, AI_TYPE_UINT, 0, 1, 3, 2);
AiNodeSetArray(mesh, "vidxs", vidxs_array);
AtArray* uvlist_array = AiArray(8, 1, AI_TYPE_FLOAT, 0.f, 0.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f, 1.f, 0.f, 1.f);
AiNodeSetArray(mesh, "uvlist", uvlist_array);
AtArray* uvidxs_array = AiArray(4, 1, AI_TYPE_UINT, 0, 1, 2, 3);
AiNodeSetArray(mesh, "uvidxs", uvidxs_array);
// create a red standard surface shader
AtNode *shader1 = AiNode("standard_surface");
AiNodeSetStr(shader1, "name", "myshader1");
AiNodeSetRGB(shader1, "base_color", 1.0f, 0.02f, 0.02f);
AiNodeSetFlt(shader1, "specular", 0.05f);
// create a textured standard surface shader
AtNode *shader2 = AiNode("standard_surface");
AiNodeSetStr(shader2, "name", "myshader2");
AiNodeSetRGB(shader2, "base_color", 1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
// create an image shader for texture mapping
AtNode *image = AiNode("image");
AiNodeSetStr(image, "name", "myimage");
AiNodeSetStr(image, "filename", "./dad_son.jpg");
AiNodeSetFlt(image, "sscale", 4.f);
AiNodeSetFlt(image, "tscale", 4.f);
// link the output of the image shader to the color input of the surface shader
AiNodeLink(image, "base_color", shader2);
// assign the shaders to the geometric objects
AiNodeSetPtr(sph, "shader", shader1);
AiNodeSetPtr(mesh, "shader", shader2);
// create a perspective camera
AtNode *camera = AiNode("persp_camera");
AiNodeSetStr(camera, "name", "mycamera");
// position the camera (alternatively you can set 'matrix')
AiNodeSetVec(camera, "position", 0.f, 10.f, 35.f);
AiNodeSetVec(camera, "look_at", 0.f, 3.f, 0.f);
AiNodeSetFlt(camera, "fov", 45.f);
// create a point light source
AtNode *light = AiNode("point_light");
AiNodeSetStr(light, "name", "mylight");
// position the light (alternatively use 'matrix')
AiNodeSetVec(light, "position", 15.f, 30.f, 15.f);
AiNodeSetFlt(light, "intensity", 4500.f); // alternatively, use 'exposure'
AiNodeSetFlt(light, "radius", 4.f); // for soft shadows
// get the global options node and set some options
AtNode *options = AiUniverseGetOptions();
AiNodeSetInt(options, "AA_samples", 8);
AiNodeSetInt(options, "xres", 1480);
AiNodeSetInt(options, "yres", 1360);
AiNodeSetInt(options, "GI_diffuse_depth", 4);
// set the active camera (optional, since there is only one camera)
AiNodeSetPtr(options, "camera", camera);
// create an output driver node
[b] AtNode *driver = AiNode("driver_jpeg");
AiNodeSetStr(driver, "name", "mydriver");
AiNodeSetStr(driver, "filename", "./scene1.jpg");
// create a gaussian filter node
AtNode *filter = AiNode("gaussian_filter");
AiNodeSetStr(filter, "name", "myfilter");
// assign the driver and filter to the main (beauty) AOV,
// which is called "RGBA" and is of type RGBA
AtArray *outputs_array = AiArrayAllocate(1, 1, AI_TYPE_STRING);
AiArraySetStr(outputs_array, 0, "RGBA RGBA myfilter mydriver");
AiNodeSetArray(options, "outputs", outputs_array);
// finally, render the image!
ArnoldWindow arnoldWindow = ArnoldWindow();
// ... or you can write out an .ass file instead
//AiASSWrite("scene1.ass", AI_NODE_ALL, FALSE);
// Arnold session shutdown
return 0;