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Messages - WilliamKappler

Pages: [1]
Audio / Re: Getting the actual volume of a sound/music
« on: September 17, 2021, 11:40:50 am »
Understandable. I'll just use that formula to get (approximate?) it on my end. Should be good enough. Thanks!

Audio / [SOLVED] Getting the actual volume of a sound/music
« on: September 17, 2021, 02:04:13 am »
I have a use where I need to know the actual, post-attenuation (for 3D sounds) volume of sounds/music. It seems that, according to the API docs, there is no such function; there are only ways to get the various parameters that determine the attenuated volume. Is there some functionality I am missing to get the actual volume, post attenuation?

For instance, I set the sound volume to 0.5, but it's attenuated to half of that based on distance, I would want to know it is now 0.25.

The way the sound is attenuated is documented and I could reproduce it on my program's end, but it would of course be better if I could just ask SFML. That would cover the possibility of the formula changing in the future.

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