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Messages - tinyBigGAMES LLC

Pages: [1]
Audio / CSFM + pl_mpeg audio issues
« on: January 17, 2022, 01:07:18 am »

SFML projects / Delphi Bindings for SFML
« on: January 12, 2022, 12:12:04 am »

Phew, after much pain and suffering, LOL, I finally managed to get build system setup to build sfml/csfml with visual studio 2019. Upgrading to the latests dev build does fix the crash issues.

Many thanks eXpl0it3r.

I've been trying to build csfml for a few hours now. It's so complicated, sheez. I'm stuck on the SFMLConfig.cmake issue. The SFMLConfig.cmake.in file does not work, something about version unknown. How do I compile csfml for windows x64 bits?

Yea, I think that fix is there. I don't even know how to build csfml

I'm using CSFML 2.5.1 binaries


I'm using CSFML audio and I got it working with Physfs. It loads and plays the music stream just from from within a zip archive. Everything seems to work fine, but when it will fault when I call sfMusic_destroy.

So I then tested with sfMusic_createFromFile, there is no crash. So what could be going on with sfMusic_createFromStream that would cause the crash?

Windows 11 Pro, 64 bit executable, Delphi 11

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