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Messages - nick1702

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Transformations not being applied to the points of the vectors
« on: December 04, 2021, 09:51:31 pm »
Hi, I am trying to code a Hilbert Curve using SFML and am running into problems involving transformations. My thought was that if I made an object transformable, and made that object have a vector of vertexes inside of it, I could transform that object and the vector would be transformed however I am seeing that the transformations are applied to the object, but not the vector inside the object, so when I go to draw my vector the transformations are not applied. I must be missing something on how this works. How could I go about actually transforming the points within the vector easily so that they show up on the display? Thanks.

Graphics / Re: Weird error with sf namespace and LineStrip
« on: December 04, 2021, 09:43:23 pm »
Thank you, I decided to switch to a vector of vertexes and it ended up working. Thanks!

Graphics / Weird error with sf namespace and LineStrip
« on: December 04, 2021, 07:19:30 am »
Hi, I am programming a project and am using SFML and I have gotten strange error. Everytime I try and create a vertex array in my header file I get an error saying that LineStrip does not exist in sf namespace. However, in the cpp file that includes that header file I can use sf::LineStrip without any errors. I am not sure how this error is occurring and would greatly appreciate some help. Thanks.

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