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Messages - DawningReality

Pages: [1]
General / Link cannot open file 'sfml-graphics-d-3.lib'
« on: December 13, 2021, 05:18:54 am »
Hi, I'm a newcomer to SFML and haven't used C++ for a long time (I prefer to use C# and Python).

I am running Visual Studio 2019 version 16.11.7 , but when I try compiling my project with SFML 2.5.1
I get "LNK1104" error "cannot open file 'sfml-graphics-d-3.lib'".

I guessed that SFML 2.5.1 requires VS2019 version 15, so I have downloaded the Snapshot version "Windows-vc16-32.zip", however, I get the same error.

I notice that my C:\SFML\lib directory has a '''sfml-graphics-d.lib" file but  doesn't have an "sfml-graphics-d-3.lib" file or any others with a "-3" suffix, so I suppose that it's still in the works or am I missing something?

I think (?) I've followed the installation directions correctly, so any help would be most gratefully received.

Cheers from down under,

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