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Messages - Noba

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Issues with tilemap system
« on: January 31, 2022, 11:45:17 am »
Hey guys, thanks for the responses. There were a few issues like this, but you're not going to believe what the main culprit was...

I had to change a 16 to a 15 where it resets xIterator and increments yIterator.  ::)

General / Re: Issues with tilemap system
« on: January 30, 2022, 02:29:48 pm »

The above string is normally set to a single line, I did this for visibility, and to show that the LUA is in fact fine.
Little bit of an update on this - It almost works! It didn't occur to me that the quads within the vertex array were actually smaller vertex arrays, so I changed up the position setting code and texture setting code to account for that. However, I now have this. Does anyone know what my problem could be? The map is definitely still 16x12, wondering if the problem is with my string generation code in LUA.

Edit: Definitely not. It's something to do with how I'm setting the quads.

      //Get a pointer to the current tile's quad
      Vertex* quad = &currentRoom[(xIterator + yIterator * roomXSize) * 4];

      //Set the positions of each of the 4 vertices
      int x1 = 8 * xIterator;
      int y1 = 8 * yIterator;
      int x2 = 8 * (1 + xIterator);
      int y2 = 8 * (1 + yIterator);
      quad[0].position = Vector2f(x1, y1);
      quad[1].position = Vector2f(x2, y1);
      quad[2].position = Vector2f(x2, y2);
      quad[3].position = Vector2f(x1, y2);

      //Set the texture coordinates of each of the 4 vertices
      x1 = tileXPos;
      y1 = tileYPos;
      x2 = tileXPos + 8;
      y2 = tileYPos + 8;
      quad[0].texCoords = Vector2f(x1, y1);
      quad[1].texCoords = Vector2f(x2, y1);
      quad[2].texCoords = Vector2f(x2, y2);
      quad[3].texCoords = Vector2f(x1, y2);

General / Re: Issues with tilemap system
« on: January 29, 2022, 07:44:08 pm »
Are you initializing xIterator, yIterator to zero?

They're initialised in the header file, yes.

General / Issues with tilemap system
« on: January 29, 2022, 05:50:21 pm »
Hi, so, I'm kinda new to all of this but do have *sort* of a grasp on C++. I know that my issue is potentially a bit general, but unfortunately I am unsure on where else to ask.

I am currently working on my own tilemap system that uses a string that forms a room of arbitrary size (currently set to 16x12 tiles). If I edit the "position" and "texcoords" values manually I can successfully use the vertex array to display a tile in one place with a single sprite. More accurately, this is simply the entire vertex array set to a single tile and overlapping each other, but my point still stands.

When I modify this to use the "iterator", which should form the entire grid of tiles, no tiles are displayed at all. Could anyone help me with this? I'm at a loss on things to try.

void RoomController::LoadRoom()
   //First parse the string from the specific room
   //For now, use the given room
   string room = rooms[0];
   istringstream roomParser(room);
   string tile;

   //Create a blank vertex array
   VertexArray tiles(Quads, 4 * roomXSize * roomYSize);

   while(getline(roomParser, tile, ','))

      //Create an iterator that acts as a base for all calculations following
      int iterator = roomXSize * yIterator + xIterator;

      //Get the current tile
      int currentTile = stoi(tile);

      //Get the position in the tilesheet
      int tileXPos = tilesetCoordinates[currentTile].x;
      int tileYPos = tilesetCoordinates[currentTile].y;

      cout << "Tile:" << iterator << "\n";
      cout << "The X position of the tile sprite is:" << tileXPos << "\n";
      cout << "The Y position of the tile sprite is:" << tileYPos << "\n";

      //Set their positions
      int x1 = 8 * xIterator;
      int y1 = 8 * yIterator;
      int x2 = (8 * xIterator) + 8;
      int y2 = (8 * yIterator) + 8;
      tiles[0 + iterator].position = Vector2f(x1, y1);
      tiles[1 + iterator].position = Vector2f(x2, y1);
      tiles[2 + iterator].position = Vector2f(x2, y2);
      tiles[3 + iterator].position = Vector2f(x1, y2);

      //Set their texture
      x1 = tileXPos;
      y1 = tileYPos;
      x2 = tileXPos + 8;
      y2 = tileYPos + 8;
      tiles[0 + iterator].texCoords = Vector2f(x1, y1);
      tiles[1 + iterator].texCoords = Vector2f(x2, y1);
      tiles[2 + iterator].texCoords = Vector2f(x2, y2);
      tiles[3 + iterator].texCoords = Vector2f(x1, y2);
      if (xIterator < 16)
         xIterator += 1;
         xIterator = 0;
         yIterator += 1;


   //sets it to the map
   currentRoom = tiles;


Apologies for the quote, I am unsure of how to use code blocks on this forum.

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