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Messages - drumpel

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Why it so hard to install and do not works?
« on: June 15, 2022, 02:59:05 pm »
It's C++.

Have you tried following the official tutorial, without skipping any part? It's not that hard  ???

Yes i have.  But at the end of one i had "Libgcc_s_seh-1.dll missing"  error during compilation.
I added the dll to bin direcrory, I tryed to register the dll in widows  and had an error like " i have registered the  dll but it is not properly dll"

General / Re: Why it so hard to install and do not works?
« on: June 15, 2022, 02:48:29 pm »
You need to slow down and try and understand what you're doing. There's no point in jumping from IDE to IDE and tutorial to tutorial. Just pause, look at the specific error you're getting, read the instructions carefully, research the error you get and try different solutions from the internet.

Programming is mostly about experience and experience you only get by doing things and learning from them. This includes understanding the tools you're using. Additionally, programming is also about problem solving, if you give up on the first error and move to the next IDE or tutorial, you're not really trying to understand the problem and thus aren't solving it. ;)

Learning to program takes time and effort. :-)
I have no idea why at 2022 i have to pass  long tutorial to instal  programm module. And it is not half i need to get sucsess. 

General / Why it so hard to install and do not works?
« on: June 12, 2022, 02:44:57 pm »
I tryed to install to  codeblocks
i tryed to install  one to devcpp

  i  waste  a lot of hours for  very strange tuning some parameter and   moving some files from directories. I tryed crazy  march version of sfml. I have readed  20 tutorials. I doesn't works anyway....

In fact we have several  array need to connet themselves. Is array of version sfml, array of version compiler, two version 64 or 2 bit. Discret mathamaticks says us it neds a houndreds eperiments to finde workung combination.

Now is 2022 year. If we need weeks to tune graphics development module (i mention that it is not a space shutle system and is  not adron colider) We never will be  in mars and we never had flying on cars. We wil waste all time to read tutorials how to instal small graphics module.

 Instaling module in must be one clik of mouse  on self instaling module and not only in visual studio/

Pages: [1]