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Messages - toricray

Pages: [1]
Graphics / Applying text outline
« on: July 18, 2022, 10:21:20 am »
I want to understand how text outline is applying, but I cant find the answer in code.

Text has m_vertices and m_outlineVertices. Text::ensureGeometryUpdate function adds glyphs to them.
My question is: how glyph without outline are centered in outlined glyph?
Its better described in an attached image:
1st letter is sf::Text, 2nd letter is my attempt to recreate it from two sf::Glyph`s.
How to make proper padding betwen regular and outlined glyphs?

Graphics / Glyph outline color
« on: July 07, 2022, 11:01:14 am »
When we working with sf::Text we can set the outline color, but how can I do that when I work with sf::Font/Glyph? I can set glyph outline but it just made it thicker because both glyph and outline are the same color (white).
I need font texture (with all the glyphs) with black outline

Pages: [1]