General discussions / Difficuly of porting SFML to SDL
« on: October 05, 2022, 08:18:25 pm »
during the summer break, I started coding in SFML, only to recently learn that we use SDL / OpenGL in school. But I don't want to switch so fast, because I just got used to SFML and yeah.
I don't need to make the jump right now. This year, we are supposed to make a game and hand it in in April. Before that, I don't need any knowledge of SDL.
So my question is; How difficult would it be, if I made the game in SFML first and then port it to SDL after it is all finished? Or are there significant issues in doing so?
The game should be quite simple. There will be no shaders or anything of the sort. Just sprites, basic transformations and the sort.
Thank you in advance!
during the summer break, I started coding in SFML, only to recently learn that we use SDL / OpenGL in school. But I don't want to switch so fast, because I just got used to SFML and yeah.
I don't need to make the jump right now. This year, we are supposed to make a game and hand it in in April. Before that, I don't need any knowledge of SDL.
So my question is; How difficult would it be, if I made the game in SFML first and then port it to SDL after it is all finished? Or are there significant issues in doing so?
The game should be quite simple. There will be no shaders or anything of the sort. Just sprites, basic transformations and the sort.
Thank you in advance!