Dear Ladies and Gentlemen,
it is the first time for me that i'm in your great forum and i hope i'm in the correct thread.
I'm using SFML.Net with C# and i'm new to SFML but not to C#.
My Problem is that i'm drawing a textured shape (circle) an
i can't get the edge smooth.
I#m using Win10. VisualStudio 2019 and SFML.Net-2.4-32-bit.
It would be great if you could help me
Here is a picture: is my code: class Program
{ const int WIDTH
= 640; const int HEIGHT
= 480; const string TITLE
= "First"; static void Main
(string[] args
) { VideoMode mode
= new VideoMode
); RenderWindow window
= new RenderWindow
(mode, TITLE
); window
.SetVerticalSyncEnabled(true); Texture texture
= new Texture
(@"E:\SFML\SFML_First\Gold.png"); texture
.Smooth = true; CircleShape cshape
= new CircleShape
(50); cshape
.TextureRect = new IntRect
100); cshape
.Texture = texture
; while (window
.IsOpen) { window
.DispatchEvents(); window
.Black); window
); window
.Display(); } } } Best regards,