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Messages - Galaxy613

Pages: [1]
General discussions / CMake support added
« on: August 24, 2010, 03:47:14 am »
CMake does sound pretty sweet. But I get what Mr. X and Tank are saying about maintaining pre-made projects for n00bies like me. But honestly that can wait until the release of v2.0 IMHO. It sounds like cmake relieves Laurent of the responsibility of maintaining different project and make file setups for different projects so he can focus on actually making improvements on SFML.

There is no reason to get annoyed at each other over this. :roll: The switch to cmake is very young and Laurent hasn't even made a tutorial yet. Nothing is stopping Laurent or someone else from making cleaner projects in the future.

General discussions / Input needed... v1.6 vs. SVN v2.0
« on: August 24, 2010, 03:30:10 am »
Thanks for the input everyone! I will probably take a look into the SVN and how to use cmake. :D

General discussions / Input needed... v1.6 vs. SVN v2.0
« on: August 23, 2010, 02:16:24 am »
Hey everybody!

Next January I will be getting a lot more time on my hands so I am looking to bring back an old game project of mine. So I've been looking at good 2D game engines/frameworks. SFML seems to fit the bill. I originally was developing with BlitzMax, which has worked out fine but it does not support shaders, something I want to take advantage of to add an effect to make the ships brighter towards the sun.

The game is in the same blood as Escape Velocity: Nova, Transcendence, and other top-down space shooter/traders. Here is a screenshot. I can see about uploading the latest version of it if anyone is interested.

I also wanted to take this time to revamp the UI and other things. So my question is, should I wait for v2.0 be released, or should I dive in now, either with v1.6 or the SVN version of v2.0?

I appreciate any input! :)

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