« on: August 26, 2010, 12:37:40 pm »
Hello everybody!
First of all congrats for the people working on SFML, the library seems very nice. I'm on windows 7 but I saw that with some DLL's it would run on so I guess it's okay ; ) .
I am currently working on a 2D project in C/C++ with SDL and i was wondering to change to SFML since i read some benchmark stuff, and it's oriented object.
The problem for me is not the speed of the library but the weight and the different methods available:
>> I read somewhere that sf::Image is a heavy class, does this mean that I can't load many pictures on the screen? Or maybe I didn't understand correctly what did you mean.
>>Are there any methods to extract a pixel from a picture (virtual or not (displayed or not)) and get the R,G,B,Alpha values like SDL_GetRGB does?
>>Is the blitting method (with clip etc.) and the key-event management work close to what SDL was doing?
>>Would you suggest me really to change my implementation and go from SDL to SFML? (since it'll require some time to reorganize all the stuff!)
I just passed through the documentation so I'm not that informed yet : ).