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General / Handling time?
« on: October 18, 2010, 11:03:53 pm »

I would like to remember that is impossible to explain my problem without comparing SFML and Allegro.

In Allegro i can set a timeout and a function is called everytime this timeout is reached. Can I do that in SFML?

I mean, when you are building a game, you can't just have a complex full time runtime, controlling execution with "sf::Sleep"...

What is the best way to separate TIME HANDLING from the rest of the game?

I would like to create a timeline of functions to be executed, with ticks (40 each second), how can I do that?

If its not possible, again, what is the best way to control time?

Thank you :)
(I am sorry, it is kinda confusing)

General / SOLVED Ubuntu + Code::Blocks + SFML = cannot find libraries?
« on: October 17, 2010, 04:28:48 am »
Ooohh!!! Everything working fine now!!

Thanks a LOT!!

General / SOLVED Ubuntu + Code::Blocks + SFML = cannot find libraries?
« on: October 17, 2010, 03:52:40 am »
Could someone post a how-to with SFML + Code::Blocks + Ubuntu?
It would be WAY HELPFUL not just for me...

Thanks again (:

General / SOLVED Ubuntu + Code::Blocks + SFML = cannot find libraries?
« on: October 17, 2010, 03:51:12 am »
Thanks for the tip!
I installed it from Ubuntu Software Center and this problem was solved.

However, now I am getting errors in a lot of functions...

Code: [Select]
obj/Debug/audio.o||In function `carregar(char*)':|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.cpp|41|undefined reference to `sf::SoundBuffer::LoadFromFile(std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>, std::allocator<char> > const&)'|
obj/Debug/audio.o||In function `tocar(int, float, float, bool)':|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.cpp|72|undefined reference to `sf::Sound::SetBuffer(sf::SoundBuffer const&)'|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.cpp|73|undefined reference to `sf::Sound::SetVolume(float)'|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.cpp|74|undefined reference to `sf::Sound::SetPitch(float)'|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.cpp|75|undefined reference to `sf::Sound::SetLoop(bool)'|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.cpp|76|undefined reference to `sf::Sound::Play()'|
obj/Debug/audio.o||In function `tocar(int)':|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.cpp|97|undefined reference to `sf::Sound::SetBuffer(sf::SoundBuffer const&)'|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.cpp|98|undefined reference to `sf::Sound::SetVolume(float)'|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.cpp|99|undefined reference to `sf::Sound::SetPitch(float)'|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.cpp|100|undefined reference to `sf::Sound::SetLoop(bool)'|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.cpp|101|undefined reference to `sf::Sound::Play()'|
obj/Debug/audio.o||In function `tocar_instancia(int)':|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.cpp|113|undefined reference to `sf::Sound::Play()'|
obj/Debug/audio.o||In function `tocar_instancias(int)':|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.cpp|127|undefined reference to `sf::Sound::Play()'|
obj/Debug/audio.o||In function `pausar(int)':|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.cpp|142|undefined reference to `sf::Sound::Pause()'|
obj/Debug/audio.o||In function `pausar_instancias(int)':|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.cpp|157|undefined reference to `sf::Sound::Pause()'|
obj/Debug/audio.o||In function `parar(int)':|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.cpp|172|undefined reference to `sf::Sound::Stop()'|
obj/Debug/audio.o||In function `parar_instancias(int)':|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.cpp|188|undefined reference to `sf::Sound::Stop()'|
obj/Debug/audio.o||In function `ajustar(int, float, float)':|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.cpp|205|undefined reference to `sf::Sound::SetVolume(float)'|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.cpp|208|undefined reference to `sf::Sound::SetPitch(float)'|
obj/Debug/audio.o||In function `ajustar_instancias(int, float, float)':|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.cpp|225|undefined reference to `sf::Sound::SetVolume(float)'|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.cpp|228|undefined reference to `sf::Sound::SetPitch(float)'|
obj/Debug/audio.o||In function `estado(int)':|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.cpp|254|undefined reference to `sf::Sound::GetStatus() const'|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.cpp|256|undefined reference to `sf::Sound::GetStatus() const'|
obj/Debug/audio.o||In function `atualizar()':|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.cpp|286|undefined reference to `sf::Sound::GetStatus() const'|
obj/Debug/audio.o||In function `audio_buffer':|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.hpp|4|undefined reference to `sf::SoundBuffer::SoundBuffer()'|
obj/Debug/audio.o||In function `audio_audio':|
/home/user/Desktop/Backup/Projects/Project1/audio.hpp|10|undefined reference to `sf::Sound::Sound()'|
||=== Build finished: 26 errors, 0 warnings ===|

General / SOLVED Ubuntu + Code::Blocks + SFML = cannot find libraries?
« on: October 16, 2010, 11:49:00 pm »
Linker Settings:

Other Linker Options:


I think would be great to do a tutorial not just for windows... I mean, there is "MinGW", and it is just for Windows cause MinGW is actually a simulation of gcc from linux :P

General / SOLVED Ubuntu + Code::Blocks + SFML = cannot find libraries?
« on: October 16, 2010, 11:34:51 pm »
I have unpacked it, and it is on my personal folder. On Code::Blocks i have followed the Code::Blocks tutorial on SFML webpage.

(Setting up stuff on Compiler & Debugger)

General / SOLVED Ubuntu + Code::Blocks + SFML = cannot find libraries?
« on: October 16, 2010, 11:24:14 pm »
Standard... The actual version i believe 1.6...

I just downloaded it from the website (http://downloads.sourceforge.net/sfml/SFML-1.6-sdk-linux-64.tar.gz)...

General / SOLVED Ubuntu + Code::Blocks + SFML = cannot find libraries?
« on: October 16, 2010, 11:07:24 pm »

I am running on Ubuntu 10.10, and I am getting this errors:

ld||cannot find -lsfml-graphics|
ld||cannot find -lsfml-window|
ld||cannot find -lsfml-system|
||=== Build finished: 3 errors, 0 warnings ===|

Do any of you know how to solve it?


Audio / struct + sf::Music + malloc = error (?)
« on: September 11, 2010, 04:26:01 am »
I did it!

SoundBuffer + Sound

Thanks for helping :)

Audio / struct + sf::Music + malloc = error (?)
« on: September 11, 2010, 01:39:44 am »
There is no other way? It is too slow and heavy.

Afterall, i cannot know how many times will i have to play the same song simultaneously :/

Audio / struct + sf::Music + malloc = error (?)
« on: September 11, 2010, 01:17:30 am »
What about playing the same music 2 times at almost the same time without stopping the first?

I mean, i am playing a music, and then I want it to start again, without stopping the first music to play, so it starts again and the same music is playing in 2 different positions.

How can I do that?

Audio / struct + sf::Music + malloc = error (?)
« on: September 11, 2010, 01:02:31 am »
It worked o.o"

Such an easy solution!

Thanks a LOT! :P

Audio / struct + sf::Music + malloc = error (?)
« on: September 11, 2010, 12:27:03 am »

I am trying to have sf::Music into a dynamic list (struct below):

typedef struct sound{
    sf::Music audio;
    char *name;
    struct sound *next;

When I declare:

sound test;

it works.

But when I do:

sound *test;
test = (sound*)malloc(sizeof(sound));

It doesn't work.

(I know, I am no treating the char stuff, but i just didn't post it here...)

Why doesn't it work?

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