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Messages - avi_e

Pages: [1]
Python / PySFML binaries for OS X?
« on: September 12, 2010, 09:19:48 am »
Hello - I'm a complete newb to game development, and someone suggested I try SFML - so here I am!
Coming from a web developer background, I'm most comfortable with interpreted languages like Python or Ruby.  I also use a Mac (10.6)
So I started to follow the python installation tutorial, but I can't find the latest PySFML binaries for OS X - do they exist?

The tutorial implies that it's possible to compile the binaries yourself so I attempted that, but I'm confused with this sentence:
If you want to build PySFML from the source code, you must have the SFML C++ headers and libraries in the SFML-x.x directory (as well as the "python" folder)

Does this mean that I should download the Mac OS X  32+64 bits dev files and copy them somewhere into the unarchived PySFML SDK directory?

I hope it's possible to get PySFML running on my Mac - it looks like a great game development library!

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