Yes, I agree, it's very specific
Please just see these remarks as my personal opinion, and as a brainstorming for future API changes.
If you feel like "Gee, this guy must be lazy, it's just one more line of code",
then my answer is: I've been spoiled by the Python way of coding
Saves efforts for the API userIn the Python modules, classes are often designed so that there is a shortcut for the most common use cases. (Of course there must be a balance, otherwise the API will be cluttered.)
As an example, the
unittest module in Python has shortcuts for many assertions that could be done with a regular assertTrue, like assertGreater, assertIn, assertIsNone etc...
In the end, all those small bits add up, and the programmer really feels at home, not having to write the same bits everywhere.
ReadabilityIt also helps code readability, which as we all know as programmers, is very important.
For example, if we compare these two lines that do the same thing:
sprite.SetCenter(spriteSize[0]/2, spriteSize[1]/2)
notice the huge saving in readability on the second line(!)
and this is out of context, therefore still easy to read, but when deep inside hundreds of lines of code, the difference becomes really noticeable, it feels almost like you're reading pseudo-code.
Again, this is just my humble opinion.
I'm already very pleased with the current state of SFML
I'll use it for my next game.