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Messages - DeusIX

Pages: [1]
General / Ubuntu 10.4 - Code::Blocks - SFML ?
« on: September 17, 2010, 07:57:40 pm »
OK. The clock demo runs. A console with some numbers. Looks fine.

If there are newbies who want this seup, to achieve this:

in Ubuntu package manager search "sfml" install all. (I didn't install debug-symbols though.)

Open C::B

In, Project Build Options > Linker Settings > Link Libraries >Add (sfml-system)

and in,  Project Build Options > Compiler Settings > #Defines > Add (SFML_DYNAMIC)

Now I need to test some gfx.

Tutorial - Window - Handling events
Copying the .cpp into the previous project seems to work, when I add "sfml-window" and "sfml-graphigs".
However i'm running compiz and all i get is a window with garbage.

General / Ubuntu 10.4 - Code::Blocks - SFML ?
« on: September 17, 2010, 06:47:35 pm »
How to get this setup work?
The website's tutorial only shows windows version of C::B.

I'm thinking of migrating from SDL to SFML.

I tried to install 1.6, but it failed. Then I installed 1.5 from Ubuntu's repos, but now i'm lost.

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