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Messages - amogusugoma69

Pages: [1]
SFML projects / Re: My first SFML game
« on: July 10, 2023, 04:41:00 pm »
Thanks for playing, I really appreciate it!

I noticed the "controlled NPC" can pop its head out of the top of the map...  ;D
Yeah that was intentional :D. I thought that it would make sense because of the ‘perspective’ the sprites are drawn with lol.

I noticed you have all the SFML DLLs. Did you use them all? If so, how are you using Network here?
I didn’t use the network DLL, i think i just forgot to remove it ;D

SFML projects / My first SFML game
« on: July 09, 2023, 12:30:44 pm »
Hey guys!

I just published my first game made with SFML: NPC Simulator 2023. it’s a submission for the GMTK Gamejam where the theme is ‘Roles reversed’.
I learned a lot from this project, this was my first time ever doing animation and audio stuff in SFML. The gameplay might be a little lacking, but I still think it turned out pretty well.

Please check it out if you are interested! :)

Thanks for your help guys! I got it working with the blendColor shader.

Graphics / blending a sf::VertexArray's color and texture together
« on: June 29, 2023, 09:34:16 pm »
hi guys,

I am rendering a tilemap that uses vertex arrays to render all of the tiles. Now I want to give some tiles a colored hue, but just setting the color atributes of the vertices doesn't really give me the results that i am looking for...
I dont really want to make a second vertex array just to give some tiles a color. Is there a way to somehow blend the texture and the color together?

thanks in advance!  :)

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