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General / SFML2 Error / Crash message on Vista with ATI drivers
« on: November 13, 2010, 11:25:11 am »
This is a rather significant bug for my purposes. Is there a plan to fix it soon? If not, can you point me in the correct direction towards working on a fix myself?

General / SFML2 Error / Crash message on Vista with ATI drivers
« on: November 13, 2010, 06:28:32 am »
Hello. I am running Windows Vista and built SFML2 using MSYS/MinGW. The examples run but display a "[name of program] has stopped working." error message every time I quit. The problem appears to be the result of a segfault in an ATI graphics driver (atioglxx.dll), in particular, gdb indicates that the segfault occurs at 0x693839fa in atioglxx!DrvGetProcAddress (). To the best of my knowledge, I am using the most up to date drivers. My naive guess is that this may be a result of some sort of multithreading/concurrency problem in the interaction between window cleanup and OpenGL, although I'm not familiar enough with OpenGL or the SFML2 codebase to know where to look next. Any ideas?

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