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Messages - cristi121

Pages: [1] 2 3
General / SFML 2 - Cmake problems
« on: June 13, 2011, 12:15:10 pm »
I'll just stick to 1.6, then.
Thanks for the answers.

General / SFML 2 - Cmake problems
« on: June 13, 2011, 11:29:20 am »
I wrote this in cmd, just like it says in the tutorial:
Code: [Select]

C:\Users\Cristi>set PATH=%PATH%;D:\Program Files\CodeBlocks\MinGW\bin

cmake version 2.8.4

Then cmake prints about two pages of stuff (usage, option, generators).

General / SFML 2 - Cmake problems
« on: June 13, 2011, 11:06:19 am »
I did this, it didn't work. The errors are the same.

On Windows, if you want to use gcc (MinGW), you can temporarily add the MinGW\bin directory to the PATH and then run cmake from the command shell:
> set PATH=%PATH%;your_mingw_folder\bin
> cmake

General / SFML 2 - Cmake problems
« on: June 13, 2011, 10:10:11 am »
I've no idea how to do any of the things you listed. Can you be a little more specific?

General / SFML 2 - Cmake problems
« on: June 13, 2011, 08:23:52 am »
I am trying to install SFML 2 on Codeblocks. I am following this tutorial, but Cmake is having problems building the dll's:
I managed to make it work with VS 2010, but I like Codeblocks better.

Code: [Select]

CMake Error: CMake was unable to find a build program corresponding to "MinGW Makefiles".  CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM is not set.  You probably need to select a different build tool.
CMake Error: CMake was unable to find a build program corresponding to "MinGW Makefiles".  CMAKE_MAKE_PROGRAM is not set.  You probably need to select a different build tool.
CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be not be built correctly.
Missing variable is:
CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be not be built correctly.
Missing variable is:
CMake Error: Could not find cmake module file:D:/SFML/Build/CMakeFiles/CMakeCCompiler.cmake
CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be not be built correctly.
Missing variable is:
CMake Error: Error required internal CMake variable not set, cmake may be not be built correctly.
Missing variable is:
CMake Error: Could not find cmake module file:D:/SFML/Build/CMakeFiles/CMakeCXXCompiler.cmake
CMake Error: CMAKE_C_COMPILER not set, after EnableLanguage
CMake Error: CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER not set, after EnableLanguage
Configuring incomplete, errors occurred!

What I am doing wrong?
Also, would it be possible for someone to upload the dll's somewhere? :)

Yay, pistol works now!

Wow, that was really fast.
But crafting still isn't working for me ( and yes, I did press the craft button ). I tried to craft ammo and it works, but doesn't work for pistol.

Yes, I've got a few suggestions. I tried to think of stuff which wouldn't be too hard to implement, but would improve the overall amtosphere:
- footsteps :
I think it would be cool if characters would leave footsteps in the grass. Also, even better would be if the character would get blood on his feet, and leave a thinner and thinner trail, until it dissapears. You could do the blood using transparency. Also, perhaps you could add this element in the gameplay later on, making the monsters track you down.
- monster speed:
I think it would add to the dynamic if the monsters where either slower ( and more ) or faster (and more rare ) than the character, so you're actually afraid when you run into one ( or many :) ).
- "craft" button for the table
- animation for collecting items, or at least change the pose;
Also, don't allow the player to change direction while collecting items.

This is what I could think of. I'll let you know if I get some more ideas.

Yes, I started the game 3 times, it doesn't work.

Here it is. I hope I'm not doing something really dumb. :)

Your site doesn't seem to work with Opera, but worked fine with Firefox 4.

Yes, I did try the correct recipe.

Also, there is another slot in the work bench, just right of the recipe. What is that for?

SFML projects / Nehe OpenGL Tutorials Converted to SFML
« on: April 22, 2011, 07:28:32 pm »
The link the OP posted doesn't work for me. I looked up his account and found a link which works for me, if anybody is interested:

I just played the game, and overall it looks nice. Still, there are some  problems:
- I don't think crafting the pistol is possible, I tried a few times and it doesn't work
- The character should move relative to its facing. So if i'm facing right and press W, i want to move right, not up.
- The character has way too many hit points, he should die in 2-3 hits

Also, I don't like the fact that I am forced to register on the site just to try out the game.

This looks very interesting, but the download link on your site doesn't work for me. I tried with Firefox 4 and Opera.

General / sf::Image problem with STL vector
« on: April 15, 2011, 02:25:23 pm »
Thanks for the tip!

Luckily, I've been studying french in school since 5th grade. :)

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