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Messages - rXp

Pages: [1]
General discussions / How works complicated 2D animations
« on: December 03, 2010, 07:52:13 am »
Quote from: "AlexM"
Quote from: "rXp"
Quote from: "AlexM"
another option if you're more comfortable with 3D is to animate it in 3D then render a series of orthogonal frames.

I'm not familiar with this option, could you elaborate or maybe post a link ?

do you use 3dsMax? If not it's pretty much the same for any 3d modeling program.

basically you make an animation, then render from a non-perspective viewport. In your render settings, set it to render to a sequence of images rather than a movie file.

After that you can take that sequnce of images and make a spritesheet.

Here's a classic example.


Ok :) That's what I was going for, it will be much easy for the animations.
I use blender, I have the version 4 of 3dsmax but it's getting old and cost way to much to buy the last one ;)
Blender is great, and with the beta version you can really find yourself more easily of you come from 3dsmax :D

General discussions / How works complicated 2D animations
« on: December 02, 2010, 05:08:25 pm »
Quote from: "AlexM"
another option if you're more comfortable with 3D is to animate it in 3D then render a series of orthogonal frames.

I'm not familiar with this option, could you elaborate or maybe post a link ?

General / Permission denied error
« on: December 02, 2010, 09:15:02 am »

I'm working on Ubuntu and Codeblocks. When I build+launch the application (the pong sample) everything goes well for the building part but when it tries to launch the application the console appears and the error "Permission denied" is displayed.
What can I do ?

Best regards,


General discussions / How works complicated 2D animations
« on: December 01, 2010, 10:51:25 am »

I have a simple question but I cannot find a satisfying answer :
How works 2D animations of a character with a side view (like platform games).
I've already worked on 3D animations so a character is modeled and rigged and you animate the skeleton with a library... But what can I do for complicated 2D animations ?
An animated GIF for every animation ?(jump, run, walk, swim, etc...)
A rig system like 3D animations but for 2D animations ? (Does is exist ?)

Because I would like to be able to manage the multiple body parts without having to create 50 animated GIF.

Thank you for your help,

Best regards,


Pages: [1]