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Messages - VerchaBercha

Pages: [1]
Window / Issues saving images when recording window
« on: September 08, 2023, 11:40:29 am »
Hello there.

I am using SFML to visualise and record a simulation for my thesis.

I have written a code for recording the window to use for visual analysis. Leaning on this blogpost https://en.sfml-dev.org/forums/index.php?topic=25254.0 I have the following:

if (recording) {
        sf::Texture texture;
        texture.create(window->getSize().x, window->getSize().y);
        std::string filename = "recordings/frame_" + counterToString(recordingCounter, 5) +".png";
        if (recordingCounter % 100 == 0) {
          std::cout << "Frames made: " << recordingCounter << std::endl;

where recording is a boolean that can be set to True via pressing the R key on the keyboard.

Unfortunately, it doesn't seem to be working, and I get an error message when trying to record:

Code: [Select]
Start recording...
Failed to save image "recordings/frame_00000.png"
Failed to save image "recordings/frame_00001.png"
Failed to save image "recordings/frame_00002.png"
Failed to save image "recordings/frame_00003.png"
Failed to save image "recordings/frame_00004.png"
Failed to save image "recordings/frame_00005.png"
Failed to save image "recordings/frame_00006.png"
Failed to save image "recordings/frame_00007.png"
Failed to save image "recordings/frame_00008.png"
Failed to save image "recordings/frame_00009.png"
Failed to save image "recordings/frame_00010.png"
Recording stopped.

Would somebody have an idea what the issue could be? In case it's necessary, I will attach the whole header file below. I've been sitting on this for a while now but my troubleshooting skills aren't necessary the best :(

Pages: [1]